Feature request: Resize page feature
I don't know how this happened, but I exported a print out of a web page that was sized at 8.5x11 as a PDF, and when I opened the PDF in Adobe DC, somehow the page size turned into 13.17x16.78, and now when I print the PDF, it cuts out everything on the page that is outside of the 8.5x11 paper size. I have been trying and trying to just resize the PDF to 8.5x11, but I can't find this feature anywhere - and I've really been looking hard! So if there was a way you could add a feature that would allow people to resize that page size of their PDFs, I think that would be really useful, and from reading the message boards, I think a lot of people would be happy about it if you did that.

Max Digby commented
Using "Set Page Boxes" will not shrink any pages. However you can use the fix-up named "Scale page content to a specific size" to scale your page to whatever you want. The fix-ups are found in the preflight tool, which is found in the "Print Production" tool menu. Hope that helps!
Stu Jay commented
It is the Set Page Boxes under the Organize Pages tool.
See Gaurav Sharma (Software Engineer, Adobe) comment · January 9, 2018 11:16 PM below.
Select all pages you want to resize and crop any or all of the four edges. Then save.
Thank You Garav. Your solution should be top of the comment list. -
Anonymous commented
Just a word of caution for recommendations to use the subsequent "printing to Adobe PDF" again to resolve the resizing problems encountered for documents that were previously already saved to Adobe. For a one-time capture of a webpage to .pdf, this is probably a non-issue. But for originals .pdf document that are "re-saved" again after reprinting to resize the document that replaces the original thru the subsequent "printing to Adobe PDF" again, recollection is some Adobe Engineers call this "re-frying" the previously saved .pdf document. "Re-frying" existing .pdf documents may result in .pdf lossiness of some Adobe features previously added by users without any warning, such as loss of comments, electronic signatures, stamps added in Adobe, etc. Learned about this to resolve a similar problem, when the Adobe Engineer stated they do not recommend "re-frying" documents when there is a need to retain document stamps and signatures for records businesses may require for audit/electronic recordkeeping purposes..
Diana Tesillo commented
Try "printing" to Adobe PDF, I just did it and it worked. You wont actually be printing anything you will just be resizing to letter size. A screen will blink asking you where to save it before it actually recreates the resized version. Although, Adobe should still include the resize function.
Ahmed commented
هذا صحيح
Anonymous commented
Michael Robinson commented
Every attempt to convert a jpeg photo into an Adobe pdf (Acrobat DC) results in a ridiculous page size such as 42 x 74 inches. Yikes!! Help!
Anonymous commented
The ability to change PDF dimensions absolutely needed in today's publishing world-- without "work arounds." I have a book layout that is needed at 95% for a different printer. (Not crop or print to larger scale, but simply 95% smaller X and Y). We should be able to do this directly in Acroboat, without having to resize the original document (such as is possible in InDesign). Please.
Anonymous commented
need to resize legal size to letter size page WITHOUT printing and having to scan back in. I don't want to crop out part of the document.
Mike Armour commented
Thanks Ken. Duly noted. Sorry Leonard. I think I know the option you're talking about, but when I selected that drop-down list, all the options were grayed out - so I couldn't select any of them. Not sure why Adobe would not allow that when it would be needed.
Ken Jeffries commented
Full disclosure: I haven't tried to do this in Acrobat, yet, but I do agree it should be an option and can anticipate that I will need this feature in the future.
Having said that, the reason I am posting is to point out that "flaming" and name-calling on ANY forum just because you are frustrated is NOT likely to get you what you want.
Not only is being respectful just common courtesy, but if it's me you're talking to, you're not very likely to get a positive response nor help with your feature request, and I'd guess the same is true for Adobe's experts, programmers, and designers.
C'mon, people, cool down first, THEN post your request in friendly terms.
Leonard Rosenthol commented
In the bottom left corner of the Set Page Box dialog it allows you to change the size of the page (optionally scaling the contents to match).
Mike Armour commented
Leonard, the crop ability is not a resize. If I want to reduce or enlarge a picture of my grandma, I do not achieve that by cutting it in half or adding a lot of white space around it, respectively. I see the Set Page Box command come up when I crop, and if there is a way to truly resize the document in that option then I'd love to see how. It only allows me to crop.
You can try the following option for it :
Organize Pages app ->More(Toolbar at top) -> Set Page BoxesPlease let us know if it works for you.
Leonard Rosenthol commented
Acrobat has two different ways to resize a page - both of which have been in the product for 15 years.
First off, you can use the Crop tool, just as you would in an image (or similar) editor to crop the size of the page to what you wish.
Second, you can use the Set Page Box command to resize & scale the contents to a different size.
Hope that helps.
Maik commented
Guys, being able to edit PDFs that way was never an intention when the PDF format was created. It was supposed to be the end format of a document, not to be changed anymore. Usually, adaptions to size would be done in the source application. Indesign, Word, whatever.
Editing alien PDFs is usually not wanted or even not allowed.There are tools which can upscale or downscale a PDF. For example Indesign. If you place the PDF in Indesign you can scale it to anything you want, then export again as PDF.
Andrew commented
I am spending a lot of time trying to do this same seemingly basic and simple task - re-sizing a PDF. Acrobat should make this task as easy as it seems like it should be... seriously. I have several PDFs that are cropped to odd sizes - I simply want to re-save them at their existing scale on a letter-sized white background without converting out of PDF format into some kind of image format, then back into a blank letter-sized blank white PDF. I don't want to lose any quality of the original cropped image PDF by going through a 3rd party format. This should be easy... maybe it is and I just haven't found a solution?
Anonymous commented
I tried the workaround, only to be informed by Acrobat Pro DC that printing to a file is not supported. I agree that a resize page option should be a basic part of the package - this is silly.
Anonymous commented
I AM IN "VIOLENT AGREEMENT" -- I too have large scale drawings that I would like to scale and particularly "SPLICE" two drawings together. I know what they're going to say: "Have you tried our PHOTOSHOP application, sir?"
Well, of course, I have spent 1,000 hours just trying to learn how to open the application up and do just that, but there is NO TUTORIAL on how to create a drawing that's larger than STANDARD or LEGAL. If I had TWO LIFETIMES to get a PhD in "How to survive the VERY DIFFICULT LEARNING CURVE of Adobe Photoshop", just in order to do the most fundamental tasks, then I'd not be wasting more of my life in here b*tching about it, I guess... -
David Kennedy commented
I often combine sets of evidence documents that range in size from a single column of a newspaper to 1/2 page and would like to make the page sizes in the new document more uniform for easier scrolling.