521 results found
Prozessschritt-Benachrichtigungen nicht zu verwenden
Ich hatte ein Dokument erstellt, was von zwei anderen Parteien und mir unterzeichnet werden musste.
Über die erste Unterschrift wurde ich noch informiert. Leider wurde ich aber nicht darüber informiert, dass die zweite Partei unterzeichnet hat und meine Unterschrift fehlt.
Das ist echt schlecht, wenn man sich auf den Prozess nicht verlassen kann.1 voteHallo Markus,
Es tut uns leid, dass Sie Probleme mit unserer App haben. Wir untersuchen Ihr Problem und sammeln weitere Informationen, um das Problem besser zu verstehen. Könnten Sie uns weitere Einzelheiten zu Ihrem Problem mitteilen? Wenn Sie beispielsweise einen Fehler in einem Teil des Signatur-Workflows feststellen oder uns Einzelheiten mitteilen, die uns Ihrer Meinung nach dabei helfen könnten, die Ursache des Problems einzugrenzen
Vielen Dank,
Anmelden Acrobat Web Team
You need to fix this **** E-sign!!! It's terrible!
Sorry, but your E-sign is absolutelly ****. Ok, my internet is not very good today, but I spent more as 4 hours and at least I find, that your e-signature is.... Sorry, good luck.
1 voteHi Velga,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with the new feature . We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better. Could you provide more details regarding the issue you are having? For example if you are seeing an error or the page not loading or anything you deem important for us to know will really help us.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
E-sign function not good
The e-sign function is really bad now,
Boxes that have been ticked are no longer ticked after being e-signed.1 voteHi Hang Joon,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with the new feature . We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Option c.c. envoi abusif de notifications document incomplet
Lorsque j'utilise l'option c.c. dans Adobe Sign, la personne en c.c. reçoit une notification à chaque fois qu'un signataire appose sa signature. Quand il y a plusieurs signataires, souvent 4 et plus, cela fait beaucoup de notifications inutiles pour la personne en c.c. Je croyais que cette option était pour envoyer une notification seulement lorsque le document est terminé, or ce n'est pas le cas. Ceci m'empêche d'utiliser l'option c.c. car je ne souhaite pas submerger la personne en c.c. de notifications au sujet de documents incomplets. Merci de recueillir ce commentaire.1 voteHi Aurélie Roy,
Thank you for your suggestion! We appreciate your interest in helping us improve our product. We are always looking for ways to improve our product and will definitely consider your request.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
quiero saber si hay limitaciones en los envíos mensuales para las firmas
me gustaría saber si hay limitaciones en los envíos mensuales en Adobe
1 voteHola Oscar,
Las cuentas de Adobe Pro no tienen limitaciones para envíos mensuales, sin embargo, las cuentas gratuitas, por otro lado, si tienen. Cada cuenta gratuita puede mandar dos acuerdos para firma. De cualquier forma, siéntete libre de comunicarte nuevamente si tienes alguna otra duda o necesitas apoyo con el uso de nuestra aplicación.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Unable To View Agreements
Unable to see any completed agreements that have been signed.
1 voteHi,
We are sorry you are having troubles with the app. We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better.
We will do our best to address this issue as soon as possible.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Terrible feedback system, design and navigation, getting worse
Terrible user experience. Options and navigation make no sense. Agreements glitch out half the time and can't be recovered or used to edit a new version of the existing form. Unable to perform simple actions, can't even simply copy text in PDF. How is any of this hitting the low bar for not stupid.
1 voteHello,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with this feature . We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better. Could you provide more information about this issue? For example steps you do to encounter the issue or if is happening with an specific file.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Well, it seemed to work for a bit. However, you are back to requiring 3 and 4 attempts before we can send a document for e-signatures. It keeps telling us it can't be sent and to try later, and if we try to save as a draft, it just locks Adobe. Extremely frustrating, almost to the point of being worthwhile to explore other solutions.
1 voteHello,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with the new feature . We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better. Could you provide more information about this issue? For example steps you do to encounter the issue or if is happening with an specific file.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
crashed , unable to correct error, unable to send out e-sign with correct version
the e-sign feature is a complete failure.
I tried several times to correct the same error, saved to both adobe cloud, and computer, nothing ever changed, sending E-sign request to my contractor only results in a bunch of waste emails. It's a waste of time, and it makes people who use it doubt themselves.1 voteHello Ruiting,
We understand you are encountering some trouble with Request e-signatures. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Could you provide more details about this issue?
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
link de assinatura
Seria interessante se houvesse a possibilidade de enviar o link de assinatura por WhatsApp
1 voteHello,
Thank you for your suggestion! We appreciate your interest in helping us improve our product. We are always looking for ways to improve our product and will definitely consider your request.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Loading sign
Screen keeps loading and will not allow me to use the forms.
1 voteHello Kevin,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with the new feature. We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better. Could you provide more information about this issue? For example if it happens with a specific document or the steps that you do or anything that you think might be helpful to us.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Adobe Sign approver initial glitch
There is a glitch in Adobe sign. Approvers are able to hit start and it activates the click to approve button without initialing the document.
1 voteHi Alex Ramirez,
Thanks for asking and give as the opportunity to help you. The Approver would be able to "Approve" the document when all the required fields are filled, if there's no required field, the user can click to approve without filling any field. To make a field required, after adding the field to the document, there's two ways to find the "required" checkbox, one is by double clicking on the desired field, on left hand panel the option would be available. The other way is by using left click over the field, this would display a context menu, which has the option.
If you have any other doubt, we will be happy to resolve it.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
recipient list
Normally, when I start typing out the recipient a list of contact suggestions come up. This is no longer the case, and it's inconvenient.
1 voteHi Lisa,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with the new feature. We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Just Rubish to use. I want to cancel it today
this produce is rubbish
1 voteHello Ronda,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with our product. We'd like to know what the issue is that that makes you want to cancel our services. We are always happy to help!
If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Not that great
limiting the errors, you guy had a glitch which deleted much of my work
1 vote -
Reminders go to EVERYONE, not just the intended. The links on those reminders do not open the document for the secondary signee. The subject
- Reminders go to EVERYONE, not just the intended.
- The links on those reminders do not open the document for the secondary signee.
- The subject line of the automated emails has code and unfriendly for recipients.
- Even when "Recipients must sign in order" is selected, all recipients get the email right away now.
- Field validation no longer exists for phone numbers.
1 voteHi Nyika Wright,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with the new feature . We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better. We appreciate your patience and cooperation in resolving this issue. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
adobe sign se volvio lento y pesado
estoy utilizando ya hace 3 años adobe sign desde la version escritorio. Todo venia bien hasta la ultima actualizacion , donde ahora es todo muchisimo mas lento y engorroso y tiene muchos bugs. Ahora mismo estoy intentando enviar un documento y no me carga absolutamente nada
2 votesHola Roberto Gabriel Aleman,
Lamentamos que tengas estos problemas con la aplicación. Seguiremos tu caso para darle solución. Si tienes algún otro problema o inquietud, por favor, permítenos saberlo, para mejorar tu experiencia.
Sin más por el momento, agradecemos que te dirijas a nosotros.
Sign en Acrobat Web Team
New Change is HORRIBLE
Whatever you recently done, it sucks. All my form fields are not signature fields and I cannot get it corrected as of yet. I HATE IT.
1 voteHello Tammy,
We are sorry you are having trouble with this feature. To fix this, please check the settings under your user profile and look if in E-signing settings the checkbox for Disable form field detection is check. If it is check, please disable it and save your changes. This should fix your issue. In case this doesn't help you please reach out to us again.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Automated reminders - set default to none
I love the e-sign application but I do not like how it automatically sends the person a reminder every week. I often forget to change the drop down menu when sending the document. Is there a way to change settings so the default is set to "none" for reminders?
1 voteHello Laura,
Thank you for your suggestion! We appreciate your interest in helping us improve our product. We are always looking for ways to improve our product and will definitely consider your request.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Keeps crashing when placing in Checkboxes and trying to duplicate these.
1 voteHi Chris,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with this feature . We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better. We appreciate your patience and cooperation in resolving this issue. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
- Don't see your idea?