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Acrobat for Windows and Mac

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Acrobat for Windows and Mac



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2656 results found

  1. Searching for Words will sometimes end in more than one result on each page of a multi page document.

    What i would like to suggest today is having a shortcut for "Find on next Page".

    This will be very useful if you have e.g. a stack of independent invoice pages an looking for a specific invoice containing the search pattern. If the search pattern was found multiple times on each page, it's a bit annoying to walk throu each result on a single page while avaiting a next result on another page.

    Can be gladly realized using a combination of…

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  2. Provide Auto-Cancel at end of year.

    Other services allow you to check a box that says; after the year if up, would you like us to auto-renew your subscription? And you can select yes or no.

    Please provide this option, I'm forced into remembering to cancel it within a month and risk paying for a product I never use for the whole year because of missing it.

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  3. In the Adobe SDK Extension to the PDF (ISO32000) standard, Extension Level 3, there are several Array structures that encode a series of control points for Geospatial measurement.

    In particular, we are interested in the /GPTS and /LPTS arrays in the Geospatial Measure Dictionary.

    Since the elements of these arrays are PDF number objects, we can only expect a limited amount of floating-point precision to be preserved by PDF reader implementations (which typically represent PDF number objects as either 32-bit integers or 32-bit IEEE 754 single-precision floating point). This amount of precision is often insufficient for workflows that involve recovering…

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  4. Hey there,

    Be the first to see what's new in upcoming Acrobat releases. Your feedback will help us make Acrobat even better.
    Please fill out the below form if you are interested in joining the Acrobat pre-release community.

    Pre-release Invite request (quoting the full URL as UserVoice doesn't have option to link a URL

    Thanks and Regards
    Adobe Document Cloud.

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  5. This is a bug report. It starts as soon as you enable thumbnails in Acrobat DC (or earlier also). Explorer.exe starts crashing. Screenshot attached. Removing thumbnails fixes the issue.

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  6. This is a bug report. It starts as soon as you enable thumbnails in Acrobat DC (or earlier also). Explorer.exe starts crashing. Screenshot attached. Removing thumbnails fixes the issue.

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  7. The Publish Online dashboard is great, but it looks like the analytics are for all documents published. Is there a plan anytime soon to add to the analytics capabilities for each document? I would love to know how each document did once published instead of a whole group. Thank you!

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  8. Es wäre schön, wenn Bar-codes nicht nur über Formulare generiert werden könnten, sondern auch in bereits gecsannte Textdokumente z.B. mittels Hinzufügen eines Textes im Format z.B. EAN 128 (oder auch anderen Bar-code Formaten) hinzugefügt werden könnten.

    Derzeit müssen vor dem Scannen Aufkleber mit dem passenden Code aufgeklebt werden, dann wird das Document mittels Dokumentenscanner (Fi7460) gesannt und im pdf-Format unter der Dateibezeichnung des aufgeklebten Barcodes abgespeichert ...... (sehr umständlich)

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  9. When saving a PDF file, the full address should be displayed on save file screen.

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  10. When measuring areas, I often display results in square feet. If I need acres, I have to change the display option to acres. I need both units displayed, so going back and forth is a bit tedious plus I have no on screen documentation of both results unless I add one of the results to a post comment. An option to select a 2nd user specified unit would be a great help. A typical result could be "9781.61 sq. ft. = 0.224 ac." (A conversion to metric would also be useful.) Three significant figures is customary in math circles.

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  11. It would really help to have standard Meta Data database such as a vendor name list that can be used when saving files. Especially if the metadata can be used in the file path, and create folders if they do not exist. For example if Vendor ABC is added to the file path and the program does not find him in the invoices folder, it creates the folder and saves the file under that new vendor. If the vendor exists, then it just adds the file. You need a standard database of vendors for that to work. An entity data…

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  12. 1 vote

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  13. Adobe Acrobat Pro DC crashes when compressing uncompressed objects during preflight of 2 files.

    On one occasion it said unable to save. An I/O error has occurred.

    Most of the time it crashes without erring.
    I did change the file to a new file name and it still crashed. I got new files from my client thinking they may have been corrupt files and the same thing happens.

    Acrobat DC is up to date vs 2020.013.20074
    Mac Catalina Vs. 10.15.7

    This is only occurring when I preflight to my network drive and not my local machine. I found a workaround…

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  14. Yes, I understand that it's UserVoice, but I can't imagine in 2021 there isn't an option to sort by date.

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  15. Windows 10 64-bit, Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 2020.013.20064 (and Acrobat Pro DC 2019; same bug)

    With multiple documents open in tabs, and the settings to ‘Restore last view’ and ‘Open PDFs from last session’, Acrobat is supposed to open the session exactly as it was closed, with the right last page for every document. Instead, on launch the pages for most documents are incorrect and only one document displays the correct page.

    It saves this setting in HKCU\Software\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\DC\RememberedViews\cNoCategoryFiles which has subkeys for every document, ranging from c1 to cN and their subkey cViewDef\ includes the important value ipageViewPageNum, also…

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  16. this application has messed up my facebook account and many other items I therefore want to cancel this application

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  18. There seems to be an issue with acrobat where I am forced to re-sign in with my adobe account every time I open Acrobat when I am connected through a different wifi network than the last one I logged in through. This issue causes me to lose all my recent activity.

    Please help, it is highly unconventional.

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  19. When comparing two PDFs, the application is just stuck on "Preparing files to compare…" for several minutes and does not proceed. No progress is shown on the progress bar, again even after several minutes. This is comparing two small PDFs that are only two pages each. The application appears to go unresponsive after causing the computer fans to rapidly spin up.

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