2652 results found
abolish forced upgrade
TERRIBLE habit of Adobe to force through an upgrade when you want to use it. if Adobe is set as the default pdf reader, one may have to wait 5 minutes for the upgrade to go through PLUS restart the computer. there MUST be an option to delay the upgrade.
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Add Keyboard shortcut for "Find text to permanently remove" and "Permanently removed marked content"
Redaction : I would like to use some shortcut keys to find, mark and redact marked text.
Alternatively, suggestion or feature(with example) to partially redact using .net will be the optimum solution.Use case - RPA
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Idea Aligning multiple attachement s from multiple emails
I would like to pull multiple attachments from multiple emails and align them as one to be printed as one document.
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Staying on top of Acrobat backend/ admin change; languages change, or popup
Please communicate with companies' admin if there is an upcoming change that might affect the users. For example, the login screen for Acrobat was changed. There is a button to sign in before and now it has 2 buttons "continue" and "Cancel". The other thing that was changed is when a user logins to more than 2 devices. The previous screen just telling the user to sign out of one of the old devices, the new screen which starting last Friday, showing all the workstations name that the user signed on and allow them to choose. We have to delay…
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Encode cs6.
Encode cs6. Kindly add the DVD feature back as many of us still prefer using it than any other third-party app. It was not supposed to have been declared the end of life application as there are still many of us who prefer using it than any other third-party app.
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compare pdf
For ComparePDF, I hope there will be a way to make this side by side view switch to vertical. So I could be looking at comparisons this way (combined two screenshots below):
I'm looking at financials with small font, so each line of text is fairly long.
In Side-By-Side view, zooming out makes the text too small; zooming in makes half of each line out of view.
https://community.adobe.com/t5/acrobat/compare-pdf-side-by-side-view-vertical/m-p/11312651?page=11 voteHi Jay,
Thanks for your feedback. We have added your request to our backlog and is under review.
Thanks and Regards,
Adobe Acrobat DC Team -
Display problem
Display problem
The attached file shows correctly in other viewers and prints correctly from Acrobat. Also exports to image correctly. In Acrobat the transparency is gone.1 vote -
No online tethering
During the hurricane, when we were without internet service, I still had to keep working at home for my job.
I have Acrobat 2017, so it shouldn’t require access to the “cloud” to work.
Yet it ran astonishingly slow, so much that I had to force quit several times when it froze my computer.
I ended up using Apple Preview because it worked properly, as advertised, without slowing my system. It is a productivity application. Apparently Acrobat is no longer in that league.I bought this version so I wouldn’t have to be tethered to the “cloud.” Why was that…
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Unable to combine pdf
I am able to combine similar pdf in online but not in adobe acrobat dc pro. Request you to suggest a solution
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"Incorrect Structure Exists"
If Adobe can't compare files because an "incorrect structure exists", can the error box give more information or navigate to where in the document Adobe was having an issue. The files I am comparing are very large and I have no idea what structure is incorrect or even which version of the document it is in.
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I cannot save with another name/location or reduce a file size since the last update
I cannot save with another name/location or reduce a file size since the last update
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Batch processing action to run with less input
Currently, actions in Acrobat DC require continual input as they are running. For example, I have an action that adds a watermark and restricts editing with a password. All of that information including the password was entered into the action when I created it. When the action runs, I have to approve the watermark for each document, and enter the password (twice) for each document. I'm not sure why the whole process can't run itself once I select the files on which the action should be performed.
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Continually getting error that cannot optimise doc as 'scanning is in progress'.
Why is there no option to select 'very very irritating bug'...
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Automate Filling out Paperwork
Since you guys are experts with Documents and many people use your service, I believe a lot of companies would pay more if you can automate filling out paperwork.
I’m talking about the Construction Industry, where jobs have to be bid on, and there could be a way to avoid the repetitive task of filling out the same information for all the jobs such as Company Name, Address, Name of President, etc ... All this information can be filled out only once with a user survey. It is a 2 part task. One is answering questions based on a…1 vote -
why i cant use my highlight pen
the highlight pen do not work
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Covert .xml
When trying to convert .xml to PDF not covert properly. also know that this functionality/feature was diasble after acrobat version 10.
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Allow users to delete their old stored payment method
As an Acrobat DC subscriber, I'd like to be able to delete old payment methods tied to my account.
Currently users have to reach out to Adobe support, and the process takes 5-7 business days - which is absurd is 2020. Every other subscription software allows the user to fully manage saved payment cards except Adobe
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Recently any optimized or extracted pdf generates a cannot find or create the font XXXXXX+ArialMT.
Bug? Recently any optimized or extracted pdf by Standard DC generates a cannot find or create the font XXXXXX+ArialMT. Some characters may not display or print correctly. I've only been working with map pdfs produced by ArcGIS, but some of these are new and some quite old and I've never had this problem before. They seem to display properly but it is so annoying to have to click through the warning every time. The XXXXXX differs every time.
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I have Acrobat DC Pro and every time I try to reduce the file size for a PDF, the program abruptly closes, and I can't actually do it.
I have Acrobat DC Pro and every time I try to reduce the file size for a PDF, the program abruptly closes without reducing file size. If I restart the computer, I can usually (but not always) reduce one file size one time before the program resumes closing upon the reduce file size command. As you can imagine, any feature that requires a restart every time I want to use it is effectively a useless feature.
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camera raw version selection
The new version of camera raw is inconvenient to use. I prefer the versions where the tools were at the top with icons and not on the right. it would be good if I could change versions to the previous interface myself. The new camera raw looks like LR and many people don't like it.
scrolling down is a step back for more efficient work. It slows me down personally. old camera raw interface please1 vote
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