Ditch the 2023 User Interface in Acrobat
There are so many shortcomings and problems with the new 2023 GUI interface. Here are just a few:
Swapping left and right-hand panels for no reason. This does not improve anything for users. It just forces users to change everything about how they work in Acrobat every workday.
Functions are indicated by random icons. In the 90s, we learned that icons in software and websites don't work across different populations. Users have a difficult time figuring out what the heck they mean. Give text labels.
The left panel is permanently positioned on the screen and obscures part of the document below. Seriously Adobe, WTF.
The entire menu/panel system can't be customized, moved, or docked. Another WTF.
Hamburger menus (those obscure 3 horizontal lines) are used on mobile interfaces to collapse menus. They are totally unnecessary and inappropriate on desktop interfaces — where working people spend most of their time working. Give people real menus with real names. "Menu" is not accurate, either. What is the name of the other menu to the right? Menu 2? Cheeseburger Menu?
The new interface is inaccessible for those with disabilities who use assistive technologies, especially screen reader users. Adobe has seriously violated its VPAT with governments and corporations worldwide who are required by law to provide accessible work environments and tools.
Grey on Grey is not an accessible color scheme. Can't tell if some icons are active or disabled. Those with low vision can't discern the icons.
Digital signatures, Document Cloud (where Adobe stores your files by default), subscriptions, OCR, file creation, file combining, and accessibility all have reported major problems for the past few years...but rather than fix these critical problems, money was instead spent on rearranging the deck chairs on the sinking Titanic.
As long-time PDF consultants, my firm has found that the majority of customers are professionals who use Acrobat for their jobs. These are not "casual" users working on their smartphones. They are using desktops/laptops with full screens, not mobile devices to do their jobs. And they work with PDFs a lot.
They have developed actions and scripts to automate processes on dozens, hundreds, and even thousands of PDF files every day. These industries include print, prepress, graphic design, accessibility & remediation, accessible forms, variable forms, variable printing, data validation, financial institutions (think of all those bank statements every month!), health care, investment and finance, and manufacturing.
Dramatic GUI changes like 2023's completely change how these automated processes work...if they still work at all.
The cost to these industries to correct the now-broken processes — brought on by Adobe's whimsical, untested design idea — is appalling. If I was a major corporation hit by this unnecessary expense, I'd ban Adobe products from my company and look for another PDF vendor.
There are now many reputable competitors to Adobe Acrobat: See:
— https://www.tomsguide.com/best-picks/best-pdf-editors
— https://www.techradar.com/best/pdf-editors
— https://www.pcworld.com/article/407214/best-pdf-editors.html
Calling this Acrobat's "Modern Viewer" is a form of gaslighting Adobe customers. It's not modern at all — 30 years ago, using icons failed in software and web interfaces, and it's failing again with Acrobat 2023. Sometimes retro isn't good, especially retro user interfaces. Please don't attempt to bring back disco, old-fashioned 20 inch TVs, polyester suits, rotary phones and VHS tapes as being "Modern," too.
Ditch this "Modern Viewer" and instead give us a working tool to get our jobs done.
Revert the interface back to what it was.
Fix Acrobat's bugs. There are so many!
And improve the accessibility for those with disabilities (who can't get to the Comments panel, Bookmarks panel, understand what and how much is redacted, make edits or change the content, scale/enlarge the interface, nor sign a PDF).
For those still reading this, users can revert to the old interface for now (August 2023).
— Windows: Hamburger Menu / Disable New Acrobat
— Mac: View Menu / Disable New Acrobat
I have no idea who long Adobe is going to let us revert to the "real" interface.
Heather Davis commented
If it ain't broke... DON'T FIX IT!
Alejandro Ramírez Pulido commented
This is the most moronic and useless update I've seen in a lifetime and that's coming from someone who had a PC with Windows Vista!
Peter Bull commented
Please, please, please ditch the 'new interface'. It is an abomination. It is a serious impediment to any kind of interaction with pdfs.
Sam commented
What is going on. Why does the toolbar float on top of the document when there's a huge empty space on the side of the screen it can dock to. Why is docking it manually not an option? Why does it have to just float permanently?
Rob Pfaffmann commented
My List: Professionals have few choices in effective technical drawing mark ups. I cant find the tools other than a freehand drawing tool. The selection tool for editing and changing the mark ups is as clunky as ever. Look at Bluebeam. It possible to design a drawing palette with simple, responsive interfaces. I should not have to buy Bluebeam whihc is highly specialized and PC only. If you could change one thing it would be the ability to customize the pallets for different uses: Drawings, publications, legal, etc.
Russ LeBar commented
Congrat's Adobe -- I switched to FoxIt's PDF Reader.
Richard Craven commented
Don't know if this is true, but I have heard that this new version was created to initiate monetization of each of free Reader's functions such as signature, comments, etc. They did not need to change the GUI for that.
Jennifer Gonzalez commented
Also, it seems like with this new update, outbound hyperlinks are taking between 20 and 60 seconds to respond. This is absolutely ridiculous.
Ted Converse commented
Any response from Adobe on this message board?! NOPE. FU Adobe.
Luiz Filipe Guimarães commented
I just hate this change so, so much. It seems to me that the ones responsible for it do not use the application. It makes no sense.
Dark Storm commented
This new UI is horrible. The contact points for actions are scattered all around the screen. Can't find anything. Put it back the way it was. There was no need to be creative. Leave that to us, the customers. You focus on software that works.
Anthony Stanners commented
This panel change is ridiculous. I can’t get used to it. I absolutely hate it with all my heart.
Zoltán Karner commented
What's the point of modifications if they only annoy users??!! Changing the left and right panels is also completely pointless! We are wasting time trying to solve the problem and restore the old version!
Jesper Donnis commented
WHY did they move some controls (like zoom) to a new place?
The new UI LOOKS good, but the UX is horrid. -
Stefan Link commented
Thank you for sharing the info, that there is this magic button back to the good UI, I was so frustrated with the new UI, this made my day! :-)
Hawi commented
Watch the video: Deactivating_the_new_Adobe_look_does_not_work
Hawi commented
20240109-1836 UTC
Window 10 (64)
Deactivating the new Adobe look does not work
I try to deactivate the new Adobe look, but every time it pops up again! Even the new version takes up to 20 seconds to load. Unbelievable.
I think it's really time for more regulation to prevent this kind of nuissance programming. A pure waste of time, millions of users lose millions of hours solving such problems caused by this kind of IT terror.intervalqwert
Rene Andritsch commented
I have been using Acrobat professionally for 2 decades and I’m sure a lot of work went into the redesign. This is unfortunate. So far I did not meet a single colleague who kept the “new” Acrobat UI. Swapping places of important navigation elements is something that brakes a workflow if you are used to doing it for a long time. And also putting some of the most used tools to the bottom right corner is a decision I cannot comprehend. Users tend to have their mouse cursor in the top part of a document and also close to the menus.
JR commented
UI vs UX
JR commented
Acrobat UI vs Acrobat UX