428 results found
Adobe prompting "Are you sure this file is from a trustworthy source" every time you print to PDF from Outlook
Ever since the latest update Adobe is prompting "Are you sure this file is from a trustworthy source" every time you print to PDF from Outlook
4 votesHi
Please check with latest Acrobat update. This issue must be resolved now.
Tanvi -
Show Number of Pages in pdfs when combining multiple documents
Acrobat 11 had a feature that showed the number of pages in each document being combined. Acrobat DC has it but you must hover over the document to see it.
I often combine 100 pdfs together to make one document. I need each file to have even pages so that they print correctly and each section starts on a left hand page. In Acrobat 11 I could read at a glance which sections needed an extra page. It now takes 15 to 20 minutes to hover over each pdf (there are 100 of them) to see if they have even…
4 votesThanks for your feature request. We have added it in our backlog which will be prioritized based on other items. We will keep you posted with the progress.
Tanvi -
Export animation from InDesign to interactive PDF please!
We are an enterprise customer with over 1,000 Adobe users.
I would like our users to be able to create animated presentations using InDesign rather than PowerPoint and export the content as an interactive PDF. Currently this can't be done, you can output the animation using Publish Online, which outputs a URL, which isn't secure or in a format we would want, not everyone wants to view presentations on the web, most of our presentations our confidential!I can't express enough how useful it would be to be able to export the animation to interactive PDF. We could move the…
4 votesHi
Thanks for your feature request. This would be more applicable for InDesign team so would request you to log it under InDesign forum.
However, we have also added it in our backlog which will be prioritized based on other items.Thanks
Tanvi -
Add To, join or Merge
It should be possible, to have an ADD TO, JOIN TO or MERGE command to integrate a PDF file into another one, directly from the File Menu applications.
As an example
1. Attached on an email I receive a PDF file containing the instructions to pay my Car Insurance.
2. I save this PDF as “Car Insurance 2019.pdf”
3. A few day later I pay this insurance thru Online Banking
4. I save the proof of the payment as “Payment House Insurance 2019.pdf”
The new command
a. Besides the SAVE or SAVE AS - creating another PDF file, it should…1 voteHi
You can already achieve that by using Tools > Combine Files options in Acrobat that allows you to merge multiple PDFs and non-PDFs into single PDF file.
Tanvi -
Word, Save as PDF, best for electronic distribution fails with error
New problem today, 3/7/19 I can no longer save a Word doc as a PDF optimized for electronic distribution. The Word doc itself doesn't seem to matter, happens with different fonts etc.
In Word, attempt to File -> Save As -> PDF with Best for Electronic Distribution option selected fails with the message Can't Export File. There are three workarounds: 1)Save As PDF with Best for Printing option, 2)Print -> Print to PDF, or 3)click the Acrobat tab in Word and Create PDF icon upper left.
my setup:
Mac OS 10.14.3
Word 16.16.7
Acrobat Pro DC 2019.010.200981 voteGlad to know that your issue is resolved!
Tanvi -
Has the PDFMaker Crashing MS 2016 and MS Office 365 Issue Been Fixed?
Has the issue with PDFMaker crashing with Office 2016 and Office 365 on Windows been fixed? The workaround provided in your article acknowledging this issue (see link below) did not suffice, and we had to remove the Acrobat plugin from our MS Office 365. In so doing, we lost the added bookmarking features available via your plug in. The rules for California Court Filings require bookmarking, which that plug in helps automate.
1 voteHi
This issue has long been resolved from Microsoft’e end. Please ensure that you are using the latest version of Acrobat and Office.
Tanvi -
"Combing files in Acrobat..." is not combining .HEIC files
Working on Windows 10 Enterprise, Version 1803, OS Build 17134.523
Acrobat Pro DC, Version 2019.010.20069When combining a list of files, Acrobat will not actually combine the file type HEIC. Everything else is combined but there is no indication in Acrobat that it left the HEIC files out. When combining dozens of files, it is easy to miss this issue.The "Files" attachment shows two PDF's and an HEIC file that need to be combined. When I select all, right click, "Combine files in Acrobat...", I get the results in the "Results" attachment. All that appears is the two PDF's.
1 voteHi
Acrobat does not support .Heic files. In case, you want to combine it, you can print it to PDF from native application and then combine it.
Tanvi -
Issue with pdf files coming from Nitro 9
When combining pdf files coming from Nitro 9, in some cases I have issues with some sentences. There are missing letters.
It doesn't appear each times, but when it appears it is always the same mistake1 voteWe are closing this case from our end as there had been no response from your side. Feel free to reopen a new case if you are still facing this issue.
Tanvi -
Index page
I would like to have an index page created (from name of pdf's) or the possebility to type in one myself at the first page when adding mutliple Pdf's into one. with a link on the index page to the pages througout the new pdf.
3 votesThanks for your feature request. We have taken a note of it and it will be prioritized based on other backlog items.
Tanvi -
Can't use MS Word "Create PDF" plugin to create PDFs that show tracked changes
Prior to the most recent Acrobat update, I was able to use the Acrobat "Create PDF" plugin to create PDFs showing tracked changes. However, now the plugin automatically puts the file in "No Markup" view when it PDFs. This is very frustrating! The only way to create a PDF showing tracked changes is to print to PDF. The Acrobat plugin is now useless. Please fix this! The "Create PDF" plugin needs to PDF the Word file in whatever view is currently enabled (e.g., Simple Markup, All Markup, No Markup, Original) instead of Defaulting to the "No Markup" view.
3 votesHi
Please uncheck the preference “Convert displayed comments to notes in Adobe PDF” in Preferences > Word from Acrobat ribbon in MS Word.
Hope this helps!Thanks
Tanvi -
Please add the .msg file type as an option for converting email messages that are saved on a network drive to PDF Portfolio format.
We need the ability to convert folders/subfolders containing .msg files to a PDF Portfolio file. But the .msg extension is not a supported extension for conducting this conversion. The only way to do it is to create a folder in Outlook and drag all of the .msg files into the folder, which isn't practical and is an extra step. All of the other Microsoft file types seem to be supported (docx, xlsx, pptx, etc.), so I'm not sure why the .msg file type isn't supported.
I have spent a couple support sessions with Tanvi Bhalla of Adobe trying to solve…
16 votesThanks for your feature request. We have added it in our backlog which will be prioritized based on other items. We will keep you posted with the progress.
Tanvi -
Cannot Combine documents
I used Adobe Acrobat Pro DC on a Windows 7 64 bit desktop environment.
I simply select the combine documents icon button, it has me choose either existing open document or add unopened documents. Either way it does not work. When I select open document, it has the one open document and then I need to add the 2nd document to combine, and I select it, those documents never populated the page and thus I cannot move to the next step of clicking on the "Combine" button. This has happened multiple times. I think of asking for a refund and…
1 voteThanks for confirming. Its great to know that your issue has been resolved.
Keep us posted if you face any issue.Thanks,
Mridula -
Convert, not embed, email attachments (carry over attachment into the converted PDF)
Attachments need to be converted to be included and placed behind the email. Email + attachment in one PDF, not embedded. As previously noted, this is a very important feature for law firms.
11 votesThanks for your feature request. We have added it in our backlog which will be prioritized based on other items. We will keep you posted with the progress.
Tanvi -
BUG - Converting emails to PDF does not include jpg attachments
I updated to Adobe Pro 2017 and using Outlook 2013 with all current updates. When I use the Adobe PDF Maker in Outlook it will not include any jpeg files. I have verified the conversion settings are correct, I have even tried dragging a group of emails into "combine files" in Adobe 2017 but regardless the jpeg attachments to not transfer.
PLEASE HELP - I need the complete emails with all attachments for a legal case. I even purchased evermap to convert the attachments in a portfolio to PDF so they can be bates stamped. BUT if the attachment is…8 votesHi
Are your jpg attachments coming in the PDF ?
Do you expect jpg attachments embedded as PDF in the PDF itself?Thanks
Tanvi -
2 votes
We already have Adobe Acrobat DC ribbon in MS Word and MS PowerPoint on Mac with Office 365/2016 latest version.
Tanvi -
Combining multiple PDF's in to one Document. NOT WORKING.
Using Acrobat PRO DC 19.008.20074
When I open Adobe, Combine files, add the files I want to combine, either PDF or other word, excel, etc, click on Combine. What I end up with is a "PORTFOLIO". The thumbnails are all visible on the navigation pane but the actual PDF that was supposed to contain all the pages I just combined, there is only the first page, no other pages. I create Board packets with this feature. It has become a big headache. How do I get this to work.1 voteGreat to know that your problem is resolved. Cheers!
Acrobat DC takes over the computer when assembling PDF files.
It seems that Acrobat DC wants to be in charge of my computer when assembling multiple PDF files into one PDF. After each file added, Acobat DC forces itself to have the focus, and brings itself to the front, no matter what other application I'm in. My computer has 24 cores, and 64 GIG of ram, yet Acrobat DC won't multi-task and let any other app have focus whiles it's assembling PDF files.
2 votesHi
Have you started to face this issue recently or was it happening earlier as well?
Tanvi -
convert dWg to PDF
I would like Acrobat to be able to convert DWG files to PDF.
1 voteHi
Thanks for your feedback. We have taken your feature request which will be prioritized based on other backlog items.
We will keep you posted.
Meanwhile, you can use this feature on Windows.Thanks
Tanvi -
Create Portfolio
When I create a "combined pdf" from several files, using Acrobat Pro DC, the first page of the resulting pdf portfolio "forces" one to download Acrobat Reader. I use a Mac and my preferred pdf reader is Preview so I do not then have Acrobat Reader installed on my Mac any longer. Why am I forced to download Reader?
1 voteHi
PDF Portfolios are special sort of PDF files which can be viewed best in Adobe Acrobat and Reader only. Other PDF viewers do not have the capability to render PDF portfolios.
Hope this helps!Thanks
Tanvi -
Combine Files errors encountered message options
When Acrobat encounters an error while combining files, the following message is shown. The options are Return to the File List, and Open Combined File. If the user wants to open the combined file AND review the files which caused errors, they have to combine the files twice (which can take a long time depending on the number and type of files). Note that if many files were combined, not all of the files can be seen in the main window in the background (behind the error message window). Adobe should make it possible to open the combined files AND…
1 voteThanks for your feedback. It is under consideration. We will keep you posted on any update.
- Don't see your idea?