5406 results found
Files not saving properly
My form keeps getting messed up when I try to download as a PDF and none of the information I fill in saves properly
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You're not to be trusted, misleading.
Stop being deceptive. Google result wasE"dit PDFs with a free online PDF editor | Adobe Acrobat" Created acct, uploaded file, tried to edit and find out I have to PAY! As far as I'm concerned, you're right up there with all the other scammers on the internet. Now I can't even find out how to delete the document that I can't edit but don't want to leave in your possession since you obviously can't be trusted.
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Why does the link descrption from a search engine say this tool is free ("Edit PDFs with a free online PDF editor | Adobe Acrobat") when it is not?
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Can't work with the new version!!!
Please, give me back the old version!! I can't work with this!!
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Date format issue
Your default date format is unable to be changed.
Tried the link below but I went to Account Settings but no ability to change Global Settings.
Link: https://helpx.adobe.com/nz/sign/using/sign-config-defaul-time-zone.html
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The repair has affected the my computer system - it is concerning
I had taken help from a technical support from Adobe today - the problem was resolved but soon after I submitted the Survey form - the the font -print started to ***** / or break up - and even my the there was voice break up in my video meetings after that. I am very concerned.
1 voteHi Kamaljit,
Thanks for reaching out. Could you please let us know from where you submit the survey?
Acrobat web team
Inconsistent Word export
Adobe export keeps giving me unstable results - outputting the same (granted heavily formatted) PDF gives me sometimes jarbled Word and sometimes not. However, the inconsistency is problematic on professional documents. Something is wrong with the cache? It's an issue with my computer and background processing? Not sure, but it's costing me lots of lost porductivity fixing the mistakes with text boxes in the Word document.
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Can't update email
I was supposed to be able to change my email address after logging in but apparently you don't want me to do so.
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add search for document name.
This is a nearly unusable search interface. I should be able to at least search for a document name.
2 votes -
you are the scammers
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deceptive marketing practices
I signed up on the Trial plan and cancelled within 7 days. But now you hit me with a monthly fee or an early cancellation fee of over $100 so I changed the account to the Standard account for 12.95/mo. I feel totally screwed by you. This is very deceptive marketing.
1 vote -
send fies]
1 vote -
Makyhteyden poisto.
Nyt kun tilaus päättyy, oletan tietysti, että poistatte tililtäni myös tilaukseen liittyvän maksuyhteyden visa-korttiini, niin että enää ei tarvitse pelätä perusteettomia laskutuksia tililtäni.
"Ystävällisin" terveisin Mika Korpela.
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Freezing when editing/adding text
Every time I try to edit or add text, the program freezes or no longer functions correctly (allowing me to click on different actions/functions, but not preforming any of them).
1 voteHi Jack Boyce,
Thank you for contacting us. Can you please apprise us with the following information to assist you better:
1. Is it happening for all files or with any specific document only?2. Could you please share the workflow and file on which you faced the issue
adding/removing pages on web from/ removing approver
It would be nice if I could duplicate a webform with the same fields so I can adjust the approver
Another suggestion is add pages or removing pages into an active webform, every application changes almost monthly meaning we get addition pages or pages taken out so it would be nice to just remove instead of redo it all over again from scratch
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I should be able to remove an approver that is on an active webform.. They are no longer working with me but as an original approver on the
I should be able to remove an approver that is on an active webform..
They are no longer working with me but as an original approver on the webform i had created, the agreement isn't complete without her approval. I would like it to just be me as the approver
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I hate PDFs
I can't modify my document. 3 pages and it always says it's still loading. All I want to do is sign a PDF without having to print and re-scan.
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just read it
your adobe account access app is the worse. i just wasted an one hour of my time trying to login. its one big circle like a dog chasing his tail. i pay 15.00 per month and as you can see i do not use your app very often. when i do use is it,,,, i want to be able to login. your 2 verification app or system?? does not work properly when using various devices. you need take a lesson from Bank of America, cuz their 2 step authorization works perfectly. cancel my subscription. i will use office and google…
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Bad signature image quality after saving document
When using image as a signature, after saving the document (Using "Download this document"), the signature get downscaled to some quite bad and unusable quality.
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?