5353 results found
Copy Link from pdf to another external place
Create a link in a pdf that can be copied to a another external place. Click on that link and it open the file/page of the pdf.
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Unsupported file message for uploads
My adobe document cloud site has been down all day today. I can finally login but it will not upload files, it says "unsupported file".
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travailler dans le Cloud consomme plus de kwh et de CO2
la consommation générale de CO2 et de Kwh est due pour presque la moitié aux réseaux et serveurs c'est pourquoi il ne faut pas continuer dans cette voie pour sauver le climat.
Un membre des GPC (Grand Parents pour le Climat)1 vote -
not loading, shoddy typography
Firstly, the typography is the loading Adobe Sign is not aligned. Shoddy! Then it is in some infinite loop. No exception, time out, error handling. Has the doc expired? Any useful messages please!
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1 vote
We love the shared edit tool! BUT - it would be even better if we were able to set a deadline to review and there was a countdown clock on header. Once the deadline hits, the ability to comment stops. PLEASE do this.
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No way to delete bulk files
I was told that I need to clear my account because I have exceeded my quota. When I go to my "Shared by you" files, I have stuff from 2014 in there. However, if I try to delete, it appears that I have to do it one file at a time, and then it goes back to the top of the list and I have to scroll all the way down again. There has to be a way to delete old files in bulk rather than one at a time.
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Adobe problems on Mac
My Adobe Acrobat is not working with my Mac computer now that I have upgraded to Catalina and actually the version before Catalina too. When I click on a PDF, a popup appears to buy Adobe DC or try a 7-day trial. Then when i click out, it closes the PDF.
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Program sucks
Total ****! I want my money back. Will take longer to fix the OCR than to type it myself.
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use on any device by logging into my acct
I am paying for the monthly use of Adobe Acrobat DC for various reasons (job search, quickly type into a PDF to ensure it is legible to recipient, projects at my current job, etc.). Therefore I should be able to log in to my account at any computer and be able to use the software / application without having to download anything onto each computer. It should be an application that I can use anywhere, anytime on any device. However, my cell phone is not good for this since it is too small to see the form on my cell…
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I had Adobe 2019 PDF suite & it was great what happened?
I hope that this program is better than all of these reviews. If it is as bad as all these reviews I will discontinue the service after the trial.
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thank you. the slides are helpful. several qustions:
how high is the pedestal for the VHF DF antenna from the sea surface?
Are there 2 HF antennas, one backs up the other?
DF processing details onboard - I expect that to be DSP-based interferometry rather than the 60's technology of Watson-Watt (Butler matrix).
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My templates keep disappearing from document cloud
My templates keep disappearing from document cloud. Happens about ever 60 days or so.
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Download the whole shered folder
I would like to shere whole folder with my clients. So they could download the whole folder or just some photos. I'm not able to shere in such a way that the client is able to download the whole folder. I tried Document Cloud and Creative Cloud.
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Reusable templates disappear
I've made reusable templates twice but neither appear on the templates page that i get to from the left side bar.
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It took me almost 1 hour to load your adobe sign
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Sign Request Process improvement requirement
Do you know how annoying it is that if the page limit is exceeded the entire email and attachements drop!
Why is there also a page limit?
I though you guys were the best at this.1 vote -
per la lettura
All'apertura di ogni file pdf mi apre la finestra di cui allego un cattura.
Mi rallenta se non mi invalida la gestione del file stesso (organizzazione pagine, modifica, ecc)
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1 vote
- Don't see your idea?