5174 results found
Problème limite stockage
Bonjour, depuis la dernière mise à jour système, une erreur subsiste sur mon compte Adobe, impossibilité d’enregistrer le moindre PDF sur mon compte IcloudPDF
Ceci est très ennuyeux surtout que je ne peux plus faire de Scan sans les perdre.
Que puis je faire, merci d’avance de votre
comment puis je savoir ma capacité
stockage ?
Merci de votre réponse.1 vote -
When I create from multiple files it always creates a portfolio
Portfolios are not the same as a single PDF. I've even had them not share properly. It used to work fine and I've tried different ways of combining files and they all make the portfolio.
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I need an appology.
Hi, I seeked help from one of your assisstants named Ishank, he did nothing useful for me and disappeared, he must be punished and appologize for me.
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Adobe cloud is full
What do you do when pfd won't upload to cloud because it's full
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Files security and commenting
I am very disappointed with the document cloud handles my files. I uploaded my pdf file with security for client to make comment however they can't make a comment since it is secured file, and how easy it is for 3rd party user download my file when it is just me and my client ( client provided the link to the 3rd party ). If possible to disable the download link while making a review. Try google drive workflow.
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For payment over the phone
I Michael Lizear am authorizing Physicians urgent care to take a Visa payment for Jennifer Lizear over the phone
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Eu tinha alguns documentos salvo no adobe Cloud e eles sumiram como posso recupera-los
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Where goes Verification Code ???
When you send a mail with the message «Please enter the verification code below to authorize access to your Adobe Sign account from within the Document Cloud user interface.», make sure it is clear where we enter this code. I've looking for how to do so for a while and never found it.
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Security hole? when Logout seems to redirects and automatically logs me back in
I can't seem to logout. Anytime I do the system redirects me with an auto login. Surely this is a security hole.
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Buggy software - pages missing after saving
When organizing pages (deleting unwanted ones and moving some around) the final saved file is missing pages - very frustrating
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pages missing after organizing
When I 'organize' pages after combining two files - pages are randomly missing.
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Stop listening to the marketing dept and START LISTENING TO USERS
The last update to the Adobe Sign interface removed the management page and left us with a garbage pile of unorganized forms. The people designing this GUI obviously don't use it. You folks do realize that people use this software for business applications and when you just randomly change it, you interrupt /trash everyone's workflow? This is the 2nd Monday in a row that I had to run through updates to your software before I could even work. Your engineers have no consideration for the user community. You shouldn't be pushing updates weekly. We should have the choice of when…
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Adobe Sign GUI
What happened to the column that told me who I sent the form to? That was a useful feature. Please put it back. Now the column says "owner" and lists: you, you, you, you, etc. That's a useless feature. I know who I am. What I need to know is who I sent the form to.
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Blank Pages
I uploaded this PDF and most of the pages are almost completely blank.
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Can we no longer share more than one PDF per link??
Not sure if this is a new update/change, but I no longer have the ability to share more than one PDF in a single link. If this a permanent change I will need to cancel my Creative Cloud Files Storage plan as it will be completely useless. We have the need to share a batch of files in one download link and have been using your service for years with no problems until now.
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thumbnail size
Much much bigger thumbnails would be a vast improvement so I dont have to open documents one at a time to find one I am looking for.
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Use left justification, not full justification
Please, please, please do NOT use full justification in this document (ADB-LEGALSTYLEGUIDE.pdf). You have lines where the spaces between words are longer than the words. This is terribly hard to read.
Please use left justification — straight on the left side and "ragged" on the right (os you do in the right-hand sidebar).
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QUería dejar un comentario, que cuando en la aplicación de escritorio de windows Adobre Acrobat Reader pongo guardar luego de hacer algún resaltado, en lugar de guardar el archivo directamente, me lleva a la opción "guardar como"y debo elegir el mismo archivo para que me guarde las modificaciones. Esto no está bueno. Uno cuando pone guardar, los cambios deben guardarse en el mismo documento donde uno esta trabajando. Gracias
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