641 results found
Web Forms Feedback
Using Web forms, I think having the option of allowing whoever is filling the form in to select the person to authorise would be a good addition. We want to use web forms for our expenses claims but we have different budget holders and without setting up a form for each budget holder, this wouldn't be possible.
1 voteHi,
Thank you for your feedback. We will review your request.
Adobe Sign Team
"Send a copy" functionality should not have been removed
As recently as last month, I could easily "send a copy" of a signed document as an attachment to an email address. This feature now appears to be gone. I would very much still like to be able to do this.
1 voteHi Eric,
Have you seen a little Share document button on the toolbar? It should provide similar feature as Send a Copy. Do you find it useful?
Adobe Sign Team
Request signatures not loading
Our team has all been having regular issues with e-sign (among other things). It regularly will not load and says that it is unavailable. If we reload it several times, eventually we can get it to work, but often it will take an hour or two to load and be used. This has slowed our productivity quite a bit as this is something we use regularly.
Can you look into this? Is there an compensation that can be offered for our wasted time in trying to get this service to work? Maybe a free month?Thanks for your help…
1 vote -
Automatic Language selection prevents use of signature module
Please allow the user to select a language in the signature module. We are a bilingual company, may of our forms are in both English and Mandrin to allow ease of use in both the US and China. English however is our language of choice. We cannot use Adobe sign and it automatically sends for signature using Mandrin. I and my Us colleages do not read or speak the language. While I am sure this was intended as a convenience it actually prevents us from using the module, it's difficult to sign when the instructions are automatically provided in a…
1 vote -
Horrible new interface for adobe sign
terrible! It's so hard to find my documents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 vote -
False Advertising
The company and makes false advertising in the google search, where it appears as "Compact PDFs for free online | Adobe Acrobat (Brazil)", when clicking on the link, the company blocks the service through a window where it informs the subscription options.
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Suggested imrovements
i was not given the option to do asynchronous signatures, but i should be able to change that after the fact. also if an email bounces, i should be able to replace it without restriction.
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cant send a E-signature from the web/app
it has been extremely slow, I cant use it on my phone! I'm paying the premium, and i cant use it for what I'm paying for. i need these fixed on both the website version, and the phone version! I haven't being able to send a document through the app for 2 months. i need these checked or updated.
1 voteHi,
Are you still facing the issue? Please provide more details so we can investigate if you still are.
Adobe Sign Team
Cant send document for signature
I am not able to send document for signature. I keep getting processing symbol and its not going away.
1 voteHi Madhavi,
Are you still facing the issue? Please provide more details so we can investigate if you still are.
Adobe Sign Team
Documents never delivered to signers for signature
By making it work!
I have submitted two documents, one with 2 counterparties, one with three, carefully ensuring that all email addresses are correct. I get an email each time confirming that the doc has been sent for signature.
None are ever received by the signers.
The signers carefully checked their spam folders. Nothing. Reminders are not delivered, either.1 vote -
Terrible product! Docusign is better than you
I have tried so many times, the SaaS version cannot send E-Sign to Hotmail.
1:50 PM
Adobe Customer Care Virtual Assistant
Hi. I am the Adobe Customer Care Virtual Assistant. Tell me what you need help with. I'll do my best to understand and find the right person to assist you.
Adobe Customer Care Virtual Assistant
You need help using Sign or troubleshooting an issue. Is that right?
Adobe Customer Care Virtual Assistant
I want to make sure I understand clearly. Which of these categories best describes your issue?
How to sign email outlook
Send for Signature…1 voteHi Lilian,
Are you still facing the issue with sending e-Sign to hotmail? Could you please provide the date and name of document sent so we can investigate?
Adobe Sign Team
"message" text not able to be copied
Why in heaven's name do you make the 'message' text non-copyable? I sent the message -- why can't I copy that myself? This is on the "Get Signature" documents (i.e. ones sent out for signature by another person).
Making this even more frustrating is that I can cc: myself on the agreement, but still do not get a copy of the message that was sent. (Maybe it's only inside Adobe?)1 voteHi Tim,
Thank you for your feedback. We will look into this. In the meantime, you should be able to copy the message if you open the agreement via Documents > Agreements. The message can be copied from the right hand panel below the thumbnail.
Adobe Sign Team
Modifier l"ordre de signature
Permettre de changer l'ordre de signature car parfois une personne n'est pas disponible et nous pourrions ainsi continuer de faire avancer le processus
1 vote -
Bad dashboard user interface
you've made the Request Signature very annoying to track activity.
1. Under People - i need to see the name. Forcing me to hover over the head icon is a step I shouldn't have to take.
2. Under Opened - why does that say opened and not signed? I need to see who has SIGNED not opened. So now I have to open each doc to see if they signed or just opened.You guys have been building software for decades. I shouldn't have to tell you how to make a under friendly dashboard.
1 voteHi Melissa thank you so much for your feedback.
I am assuming that you are looking at the "Recent" or “Agreements” table on the Home page.
1. I think you have a valid point that when there is only one person in the PEOPLE column, we could show the name directly. Sometimes documents are shared or send for signature to many people and this column gives a quick overview of that. As a workaround for now you could go to the Documents > All Agreements section (you can get there via View all > Agreements as well) and that table show the "Recipients" without having to hover any icon.
2. Some users will see a STATUS column in the Recent or Agreements tab on the home page. Your account seems to not show this column from your comment. The STATUS column tells you if the agreement is "Signed" or still…
adobe sign not loading
Adobe sign will not open. I selected get signatures but the loading circle goes on and on
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Show Who Has Reminders active for In Progress Docs and filter by portion of Title
From the Manage Documents screen I want to be able to see who Has reminders actively going out to those that are "in Progress". This feature was in the old version. It is very cumbersome to click on each document to see what is going on.
ALSO I want to be able to search from ONLY the In Progress Documents for those that pertain to Payment Plan, or Bank Auth, Currently if you try to filter or do a search, then ALL of the documents that have already been completed come up as well. This is completely unuseful. This too…
1 vote -
10mb limit on PDF is RIDICULOUS!
Why the **** can't we send a PDF for signature that is larger than 10mb?!?!?!? THAT'S RIDICULOUS!!! We're paying for a service that can't handle a 7 page PDF?!??! Whoever made this decision needs to be fired. PLEASE change it, otherwise our main account (150+ users) is leaving.
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1 vote
No s refleja en la impresión final la auditoría
Muy buenos días. ¿Cual es la razón como en este caso que al imprimir el documento no se incluye las hojas de auditoría; si ya todos firmaron el documento?
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Access token provided is invalid or has expired
When I try and send docs for signing, I get the following message: Access token provided is invalid or has expired. I have a paid subscription and should be able access this service. I recently downgraded from a Business Package and am wondering if this has anything to do with it (same email address)
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?