642 results found
I would like to comment on your latest update 20 Jan 2024) on the apps. First, the signature field size cannot be adjusted to the user needs
I would like to comment on your latest update 20 Jan 2024) on the apps. First, the signature field size cannot be adjusted to the user needs. Second, the signature field is sometimes misplaced upon being received by the recipient. Third, the signature field has name and initial in its box that confuses the user when using it for the first time, suspecting whether once signed later on, recipient signature is going to appear with their name and initial or only the signature itself. Fourth, when using the update for the first time, I couldn't find the send button and…
2 votesHi,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with the new feature . We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better. Meanwhile, you can switch to earlier version by following the steps below,
- Open the agreement draft experiencing the issue.
- On the left panel, scroll down and click "View more".
- Click the "Switch to legacy version" link.
This will switch you to the earlier version for this specific draft only. We appreciate your patience and cooperation in resolving this issue. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Message Body - can't be deleted - Send out for Signature
I had issues when Sending the document to signature, I could not delete any of the text in the message body.
2 votesHi,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with the new feature . We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better. Meanwhile, you can switch to earlier version by following the steps below,
- Open the agreement draft experiencing the issue.
- On the left panel, scroll down and click "View more".
- Click the "Switch to legacy version" link.
This will switch you to the earlier version for this specific draft only. We appreciate your patience and cooperation in resolving this issue. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Worst Support ever
The people that are in support at Adobe are the worst support I've ever encountered. None of them know anything about the product they are supporting.
1 voteGreetings Lisa Lynch,
Sorry to heart that, please, let us know any issue or doubt that you have, I'll answer back as soon as posible.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Issues with Adobe sign - signature blocks moving
The updates to adobe sign are causing issues with block placement. The signature blocks look fine in the "review" but when they are saved and sent, the block move to different areas of the document and shift places. PLEASE FIX ASAP!
3 votesHello Rebekah
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with the new feature . We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better. Meanwhile, you can switch to earlier version by following the steps below,
- Open the agreement draft experiencing the issue.
- On the left panel, scroll down and click "View more".
- Click the "Switch to legacy version" link.
This will switch you to the earlier version for this specific draft only. We appreciate your patience and cooperation in resolving this issue. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
FIX your tool
Fix your product
I just sent a document for e-sign. I give you permission to look into the document I sent in last 1 hour from this msg.
Look at the email body. Kosuke Mori is no where in the document sent but is mentioned in the email. If the customer sees the same thing, it is a DISASTER!
After sending the document, I can't see which fields are assigned to which users!!!
Fix these two things please
1 voteHello Subhajit Mandal,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with this feature. We are currently working on triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better.
We appreciate your patience!
If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
How dare you make such a drastic unexplained unexpected change to your ESign?
You ruined the ESignature system! I can't use it! No help available. I am cancelling my account if you don't respond to me.
1 voteHello Stephen,
We understand you are encountering some trouble with the new feature in Request e-signatures. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Would you be so kind to tell us a little bit more in detail what the issue is with the e-signature process that you have?
With Modernized experience, you now get simplified document authoring experience, leverage AI-assisted form field detection and ability to revise, organize & save document edits in-progress, add/ remove recipients during agreement creation step. Here’s more information.
If you still prefer to use the earlier version you can revert back by following these steps:
1. Click on your profile icon.
2. Select "Settings".
3. In "E-signing settings", uncheck the box next to "Use the latest version of Request e-signatures".This change will only affect new created after making this adjustment. We appreciate your patience and cooperation in resolving this issue. If you…
Adobe Acrobat Desktop + issues with requesting e-signatures
The reason for subscribing to the Adobe individual plan was to collect e-signatures for consulting agreements.
I downloaded the desktop application to be able to prepare documents for e-signature, but I ran into multiple issues & clients were unable to sign and there were issues with the date.
When I was at my wit's end, I decided to test out the adobe online platform to see if that worked any better. Thankfully it did.
I think there needs to be some major improvements to the adobe acrobat desktop application - especially with the request e-signatures processes.
Thanks for your time!1 voteHello Michael,
We are truly sorry you are experiencing trouble with our product and services. We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better. Would you be so kind to explain deeper the specific issues you are facing regarding the date?
If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you!
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Adobe is poor quality and makes me look bad in front of customers
What the heck Adobe? Your software is already clunky, but I use it because I love Adobe sign. I just sat with a customer while I sent an agreement for signing. It took the doc with my and her separate signature fields and assigned them both to her. I very carefully resent it making sure my signature field was assigned to me and it did it again. You made me look like an ignorant fool in front of my customer and you wasted my time with your poor mobile ap software. This was on my android phone.
1 voteHi Eric,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with our services. We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better. Would you be so kind to send us the document you had issues with?
If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
No puedo enviar recordatorios
No me está permitiendo mandar recordatorios manualmente para firmas
2 votesHola Ximena Figueroa,
Lamentamos que estes teniendo esta dificultad, apreciamos tus comentarios y tomaremos en consideración.
Actualmente, tras preparar un documento y desplegar la ventana de "Revisar y Enviar", en esa ventana se puede modificar la frecuencia de los recordatorios que se le envían a los destinatarios. Posteriormente, tras enviar y hacer click en "Hacer seguimiento del acuerdo", te va a desplegar un menú a tu mano derecha, en "Recordatorios" puedes agregar un recordatorio y editarlo.
Esperamos esta información te sea de ayuda. Agradecemos que te acerques a nosotros para consultarnos.
Atentamente Sign en Acrobat Web Team
E sig feature doesnt work on my work subscription
why does adobe online freeze when i try to use the send e sig feature?
1 voteHello Jan,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with the new feature. Would you be so kind to send us the document you are having issues with? And if possible, please tell us the steps you took before the frozen screen.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Missing Individual Files Download
When sending agreements, there is an option to download individual files that actually used to work prior to this update. Unfortunately, now all documents uploaded to be electronically signed are bound together and cannot be downloaded as individual files. Please change this back!
1 voteHi Taylor,
We are sorry you are having issues with the app. Although this feature is not available in the most recent version of the application, it will be available in an upcoming update. Thank your for your patience and for reaching out to us with your feedback, we truly appreciate it.
Sign in Acrobat Web
Adobe online DOESN'T WORK
Stop charging for a product that you clearly haven't got the bugs ironed out of yet. Since being forced to use the online version to request e-signatures I haven't been able to get a reliable signature. Sometimes I can't send the request without first saving the pdf as a Word document and then saving the Word version back to pdf. Sometimes I have to "compress" the pdf by "printing" it first. Sometimes neither works and I have to start again and recreate the document from scratch with no guarantee I'll ever get a signature. And all of this is done…
1 voteHi Cinthya,
We are sorry you are having issues with the app. Our team will look into this and assess the mentioned problems as fast as possible.
We appreciate that you took the time to give us your feedback, which is very valuable as it helps us know where improvements are needed.
Sign in Acrobat Web
Authorize the creation of web form on Acrobat Online when using Ipad (or 13inch tablets)
When you use a web browser (Firefox, Safari or Chrome for example) you can obviously go to Acrobat Online (see Acrobat documents, see models and use some features as signing).
However, the features are not the same on ipad or Mac/Windows. For me it is an issue because, when i use my ipad pro 13inch, the desktop is the same as a lot of nowadays laptop.
For my personal case, I use a lot the creation of « web form » to recover some information before signing.
When I do this on my ipad i tells me to download the Adobe Sign…
2 votesHi,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with the new feature . We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better. Meanwhile, you can switch to earlier version by following the steps below,
- Open the agreement draft experiencing the issue.
- On the left panel, scroll down and click "View more".
- Click the "Switch to legacy version" link.
This will switch you to the earlier version for this specific draft only. We appreciate your patience and cooperation in resolving this issue. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
auth.services.adobe.com refused to connect.
auth.services.adobe.com refused to connect.
2 votesHi Kimberly,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with the new feature. We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better.
Could you please provide more details about the issue you're facing?
We appreciate your patience and cooperation in resolving this issue. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Adobe Signature Issues
How do we get rid of incorrectly spelled names.
1 voteHello,
We are sorry you are having issues with this feature. Could you provide more information about it? For example, where are you seeing this incorrect names? Once the agreement is sign or in the document ? A screenshot will be helpful too.
Sign in Acrobat Web
auth.services.adobe.com refused to connect.
Please fix this error: auth.services.adobe.com refused to connect.
1 voteHello Kimberly,
Thank you for contacting Sign in Acrobat Web Support regarding the issue. We apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced while attempting to connect to aut.services.adobe.com, we are still working to triage your issue and keep you informed about it.
Best regards,
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
auth.services.adobe.com refused to connect.
Please fix this error:
auth.services.adobe.com refused to connect.1 voteHi Kimberly,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with this feature . We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better.Would you mind telling us where this message is being displayed? Or, which steps you took to have this message pop up?
Also, try refreshing your browser's page, sometimes this kind of problem comes from the computer itself and/or the internet connection.
Please let us know if this issue persists to do a further review.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team -
Esign ruined
Horrible esign. The prepare form functions are not applied and desktop app is ruined. and I cannot send on the online app.
2 votesHi Maria Noyola,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with the new feature . We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better. Meanwhile, you can switch to earlier version by following the steops below,- Open the agreement draft experiencing the issue.
- On the left panel, scroll down and click "View more".
- Click the "Switch to legacy version" link.
This will switch you to the earlier version for this specific draft only. We appreciate your patience and cooperation in resolving this issue. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Showing the wrong receiver name
Showing the wrong receiver name
I found a bug at the adobe acrobat
Adobe Acrobat is changing the user name on consent form...I've filed a consent to L. S., but after sending it, Adobe is showing it as W.S. at the documents page, but when you go to check the file it shows a different name.
Would it have any issues on the document signature and name displayed in the document?
1 voteHi UX Team,
We're sorry that you're experience this issue, we will take under review your case.
Thanks for letting us know, and if you have any other issue, doubt or suggestion, don't hesitate to write in this forums.
Best regards,
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Adobe E-Sign allowing only signer 1 in bulk send
How do I add multiple signers?
I want them to sign the same document in different places. The add a signer seems to be missing. I do not want everyone to be person 1. I need person 1, 2 and 3
1 voteHello Abbie,
Thanks for requesting help with use, on the same page that you send on the screen shot, add the first signer, then use TAB or SPACE to add another email as signer.
If you have any other question or suggestion, let us know.
Best regards,
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
- Don't see your idea?