5353 results found
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Why am I getting this message when uploading a PDF?
Request Entity Too Large
The requested resource
does not allow request data with PUT requests, or the amount of data provided in the request exceeds the capacity limit.
Apache Server at eu1.documents.adobe.com Port 4431 vote -
Not Impressed.
My PDf's are not sharing properly, something is always missing when i share a link to the file.. I am starting to have to many issues with this program.
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not happy with this tool
How do I delete the pdf's I made tonight using the signing tool. This is more than frustrating. Why can I not delete them?
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Adobe while sending for signatures
Hello I'm getting this error. I have not changed my process. This is slowing me down. I need help ASAP
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слетают шрифты при экспорте
Не подскажите как экспортировать в пптх из пдф, чтобы шрифт не слетал?
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Analization error?
The end of the page was writting which should have been converted to image but changed to a weird script? Also formatting is messed up.
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Document feedback online
Please provide a method to see properties for size and also the scale of file being veiwed online.
Display scale is always visible in desktop app and file dimensions are viewable with a simple roll-over.
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Important file easy backup this file1 vote -
1 vote
Filling ovals with color
Would it be possible to fill the ovals we create with a color?
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Cambio di piano
Dopo aver effettuato un cambio di piano da Adobe Acrobat Pro ad Adobe Acrobat Standard e aver regolarmente pagato la prima fattura mensile del piano annuale, non mi riesce più di accedere, mi compare una scritta in rosso con triangolo "pericolo" quando tento di scaricarlo che dice "Questa app non è al momento disponibile per la tua piattaforma".
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need apps to sync on Mac computer for offline or open quickly even when online.
and also mobile apps cache features for the same porposes.
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Lame feature takeaway!
Not being able to see what a share notification is for by looking at the Subject is, well, LAME. It made sense when I could write my own subject line so I could make it specific to a client.
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need to be able to download files
I will be terminating with adobe.... you can't easily download files.
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telechargement de l'app
On paye un abonnement pour des apps, mais c'est tellement compliqué de les téléchager sur le site...
Sérieusement, un simple bouton visible "télécharger" suffirait...
Pardonnez moi, mais un peu saoulé après avoir passé 15 min à essayer de reteelcharger Adobre Acrobat...
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Hybrid Routing
Hi, pls advise how to use hybrid routing for Adobe Sign. This setting is not activated.
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Reorganization of pages
I asked how to reorder pages. It allowed me to do it one time. However, it didn't reorder the pages, and now it won't let me try again. I can't afford to purchase the software because it is extremely expensive. Is there any way of doing this without paying the outrageous price?
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?