5406 results found
Your Adobe Customer Care Case Is Closed
Dear Lianjie,
Sorry, we were disconnected!
We want to help you resolve your issue and hope you can get back to us. You can reach us through our Adobe Customer Care contact page.
When you contact us, please have your Adobe ID ready.
Your case details are as follows:
Adobe ID: lvlianjie8@gmail.com
Case number: ADB-15111751-N5Z6
Issue: DisconnectedWe look forward to working with you,
Adobe Customer Care
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To review…
1 vote -
Add Subject Line Back To Sharing Files
Please add the subject line back to the "Sharing" of files. During your last update, it was removed. When I send files to share, the name of the file appears as the Subject of the email to the receiver and it would be more professional if we could have a subject line again.
1 vote -
Bugs - can't delete and can't see parts of the document
I added a comment to this document that the software will not let me delete. Very annoying. Also, when using the comments feature and zooming in, I can't scroll enough to the right to be able to see the entire document with the comment side window open. The only way to see it to zoom back out and then shift the screen. Really annoying!
1 vote -
Is there a way to receive a clean copy without the markings?
1 vote -
Bad usability and file organization in Document Cloud
Ich habe viele gescannte Dokumente die ich in Unterordnern ablegen, umbennen und organisieren muss. Dies ist bisher sehr sehr umständlich und kaum machbar. Mit Lösungen wie Google Drive oder Dropbox die eine Explorerähnliche Oberfläche und Features wie z.B. Drag&Drop mitbringen kann die Document Cloud leider überhaupt nicht mithalten. Dies wird über kurz oder lang zu einer beendingung des Abbonements führen.
1 vote -
Boa noite. Algumas informações estão em inglês e não consegui ler. Preciso que cancele meu pedido de 99,00.
Obrigada.2 votes -
How to add OCR to an existing PDF? Should we be able to export PDF to PDF with OCR? Or should OCR be added auto-magically to all uploaded PDFs if requested (select all pdfs > edit > perform OCR)?
I don't want to export to docx. I want a pdf.
1 vote -
no it crashes when I hit anything on a open file
I HAVE ADOBE DC and it crashes all the time on the new MAC OS
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Wont load link
Wont load
4 votes -
Better interface
Make it easier to use. This interface is lousy. The iPad log-in experience was terrible. You can do better. Make it usable.
1 vote -
sign page not working at all
When I currently go to sign the document, the window freezes, the page doesn't load and nothing happens. Extremely frustrating.
2 votes -
1 vote
Entomologist? Adobe is for you! Bugs everywhere!
Every day I use this is a nightmare. Comment filters continually turn off and cause me to lose place reviewing comments. Defund adobe
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I want to delete my document.
You are charging people for deleting their own documents? Terrible!
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Single Sign On and/or Shared Doc. Library Cloud Environment
Stop selling subscriptions that have the words "Team" or "Business" in them if you're not going to allow for myself and employees to have a REAL sharing experience. It's 2020 - what SAAS company sells software that includes a cloud document file storage component (again - targeted towards businesses) in which the only way you can share and access the same files across org. users is to manually share via a link. Not to mention you can only share at the "per file" level. You can't even share folders. Is it really that difficult to allow for users within a…
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1 vote -
not loading, shoddy typography
Firstly, the typography is the loading Adobe Sign is not aligned. Shoddy! Then it is in some infinite loop. No exception, time out, error handling. Has the doc expired? Any useful messages please!
1 vote -
Bug - Trying to add comments to a PDF from the webapp gives 404/Not Found for at least one UI language other than US English
Steps to reproduce
- Set UI language to e.g. "Norwegian"
- Open a document in Document Cloud
- Click "Edit" ("Rediger") > "Add comment" ("Legg til en kommentar") 3.1 Notice the "monitor icon" when hovering the link, which might indicate that the feature is not available in the webapp
- Be redirected to a 404/Not Found page (in the Norwegian case the URL is https://acrobat.adobe.com/no/nb/acrobat/features.html# as of 2020-07-04)
Expected result: Clicking the "Add comments" link will let the user add a comment, or at least redirect to an existing page.
Observed result: Clicking the "Add comments" link redirects to a non-existing resource when UI…
1 vote -
Loading takes FOREVER! C'mon!
This takes FOREVER to load. Frustrating to say the least.
3 votesHi Mark,
Thank you for your feedback. Are you still facing the issue? If so, would you please try other browsers and see if issue is reproducible and let us know?
- Don't see your idea?