1736 results found
Zoom Percentage on the Toolbar is Not Available with "Open Documents as new tabs in the same window" option disabled
The Zoom Percentage Disappears from the Toolbar when you turn off the option to "Open Documents as new tabs in the same window"
6 votes -
Drag and Drop doesn't update page thumbnails
When dragging a PDF or Word document into the page thumbnails to add that document to the existing PDF document, the thumbnails occasionally fail to refresh, and show the incorrect page thumbnails.
E.g. If I drag a 3 page document file into page 50 of a 100 page PDF, the thumbnails will show the previous pages 50-52 until you close the thumbnail view and re-open it or scroll the thumbnail view past those pages forcing a refresh.
I am using Adobe Acrobat Pro version 2017.011.30120
5 votes -
Can't open PDFs within Acrobat
While within Acrobat, can't open files.
Type command-O to navigate to a PDF file.
Box opens to display files, but application crashes the second I start to navigate, for instance, go up a directory. This just started happening.
Using Mac OS 10.12 (Sierra) and Creative Cloud Acrobat DC.Note: I CAN open PDF files from the finder. Will launch Acrobat if it isn't running already. Just not when I'm in the application.
1 vote -
Make Pan Tool Pan Again
A number of people continue to think it's a "bug" rather than a "feature" that the pan tool selects images & text by default in Acrobat DC. And they ought to be right, this is not a desirable feature for a pan tool, vice a select tool. In fact, it's why you have a select tool in the first place: to select images & text.
Pan tools PAN, as allow you to navigate through the document by clicking & dragging. This feature is literally defeated by having it select images and text when you click & drag. As such, it…
6 votes -
Broken Link: Adobe Cloud Upload Microsoft Outlook
When you click the question mark, it goes to this link:
Which is broken and does not work.
1 vote -
When viewing files and folders from OneDrive, directories that start with a dot (.) appear completely blank
Show directory names that start with a dot instead of completely blank name
1 vote -
Permanently Add Tool to Tool Panel
I use the Accessibility tools every single day.
However, I have to manually re-add it to the tool panel each time that I log on, unless I just leave the computer on and locked (and IT does not run an auto-patch and restarts my computer without asking).
ter locked.
Is there a way to set it add a tool permanently to the tool panel on a single computer (as with previous versions of Acrobat Pro)?
2 votes -
Slow can't work if finder busy
Acrobat coms to a halt and get spinning wheel (on Mac) whenever anything is copying, moving, etc in the Mac finder, especially over VPN. Also keeps crashing.
1 vote -
selection does not work anymore
When selecting text or illustrations, ACROBAT DC (v 2019.012) does not highlight anymore, instead the selected object is pixelated in seeming random colors. this makes it impossible to recognize selected text (depending on foreground/background contrast).
particularly an issue when searching PDF and the highlights can not be seen.
tried re-installing etc. with no success1 vote -
Adobe Acrobat DC Version: 19.012.20040 freezes on startup-white dialog box
After updating to this version, on startup the application displays an empty dialog box and completely freezes, forcing you to quit the application in Task Manager. Repair, uninstall/reinstall, clearing temp files all did not work.
Starting application on the administrator account allowed it to go through the dialog box which had to do with resetting default apps then allowed the application to startup and run correctly on the limited user account.
OS Edition
Microsoft Windows 10 Pro x64
OS Version
OS Build
17763.6781 vote -
Update Features Optional
I understand that some new features come from users that want these features however making them mandatory for everyone is not great.
It would be great if Adobe got smart about the Updates and had a pop up that could be accessed any time after an update which allowed a user to switch new features either on or off. That way we the user can control how the software works and if done correctly Adobe could build it so they get reports back and even feed back on why something is switched off or on to enhance the software in…
2 votes -
Open another instance of a file in a new tab
I want to open another instance of an already opened file using Acrobat pro 2017. This version has tabbed display of files. I can open the next instance in another window, bot not in the same window under another tab. There is a work around to it in the forum discussion. https://forums.adobe.com/message/11222204
But this is not an elegant method. I hope Adobe will provide the function that will allow it to be open in a new tab.1 vote -
Open the same pdf twice simultaneously
I would like to open a the same book twice , and that is to view different pages of the same book,
it is helpful while studying a book and wanting to quick reread a paragraph from another chaptertrying to open the same pdf for the second time will only send me to the already open window of the same pdf
a side-feature,
if you decide to add this feature
sync-ing the pdf between both instances after editting would also be great1 vote -
Bring back the functionality and layout of Acrobat 9 Pro
Acrobat DC is an absolute PITA to use. It has no UX continuity with the rest of the CC suite, the tools are allocated to the vaguest of places and the basic functionality that is regularly used, Marquee Zoom Tool especially, are relegated to the top menu when they should be in the header with the page controls. These are tools that are regularly used, unlike the '-' and '+' buttons and search tool that are in clear view.
It's a pointless, redundant redesign that causes more problems and waste of time than it actually serves. Bring back the layout…
1 vote -
Screen resolution
I'm using the following setup:
Windows 10 Home 64bit, version 1803 (OS Build 17134.706)
Adobe Acrobat Pro DC, version 2019.010.20099
Two monitors, same resolution 1920*1200One of my monitor has scaling enabled through Windows (display settings -> Scale and layout -> 125%). This will change the size of text, apps and other items.
When I open a PDF in one of my monitor and I drag this PDF to my other monitor (which has scaling on), the ruler changes (see screenshot). But when I measure using Measuring tool the correct values will be shown. In my opinion, this should…
2 votes -
Open last session error
At file access problems while open last session (2nd menu entry in file menu) acrobat shows an pop-up notice only telling there is a problem (s. attached image, German version) but not showing which file this error-pop-up belongs to.
Hence, the user is less informed to look for the problem and probably open the file manually.
In case of more then one file having an actual access problem a Summary and a "try again" option would be very helpful.
Belongs to Acrobat Pro DC 2019.012.20035.4663.1 vote -
Automatically Enable playing of 3D when the Add 3D tool is selected
Automatically turn on the preference to "Enable playing of 3D content" immediately as soon as the "Add 3D" tool is selected in the Rich Media toolbar.
1 vote -
Redact Preferences
Allow me to set a preference in order to reduce the number of steps required to redact information -
1) Set preference to redact "text and images" instead of having to click on that choice for every page.
2) Set preference to save redacted files to a specific folder (or automatically save to last used) instead of having to click to select it over and over and over.
WAY too many steps to take to redact and save multiple images. And you have to move from one area of the screen to another to another... a lot of wasted time…1 vote -
Highlighter tool automated stroke (old) vs. Corrective stroke (new) it should be an option, not an adaptation
I think the user should have the option to use the highlighter free stroke corrective option (new) or automated stroke option (old). Users who read longer documents with many long highlights will struggle with the corrective method (new). It is helpful within a long document to have the pointer change to word select and highlight multiple sentences by simply dragging down through the rows of text, as opposed to skillfully highlighting each sentence independently. One option is for a stylus, the other is for workstations. Adobe should make that a preference. In the legal field, it can take forever to…
1 vote -
RAM credit information
scan face to comformation no need signh any document appoment . up data
1 vote
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