5365 results found
One-time purchase to a Lifetime License is needed.
In addition to the previous feedback I recently submitted, the prerequisites for the tools are ridiculous. I am NOT going to pay $60 a month for all of Adobe's apps. If anything, Acrobat needs to lower prices if you guys want to get more people paying for it, because a $30 subscription for Acrobat Pro, when I could be paying $9/month + tax for ILovePDF, for almost the same tools. That is ridiculous, and the only way i'd ever pay for Acrobat Pro is if it was the only one I could be paying for. What we need is a…
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Acrobat subscriptions are too expensive
Acrobat subscriptions are WAY too expensive. ILovePDF charges so much less money for the same features as Acrobat, with a few exceptions, and that is horrible. Please, lower the prices for Acrobat Pro permanently, because under no circumstances am I paying $30 a month for that. Heck, the Creative Cloud ALL Apps plan is RIDICULOUS. The All Apps plan should be at $30/month, not Acrobat Pro. These subscriptions are way too expensive, and is probably the reason why not very many people even use the PDF format in the way they do with Word.
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Can you please remove my card or account info, I had purchased adobe photoshop but I have an older PC so never used it, and requested a refund, which never happened now I am being charged each month from Adobe, this never ends! Please stop taking funds for products I do not use - raulcantu2018@gmail.com
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New update - TOO MANY BUGS
The new update for the application is terrible. I am unable to edit any of my documents, unable to save anything, and it really has hindered my ability to complete work. I have switched to using Word for the majority of my needs at this point and finding work arounds for anything else I need. We are a paying customer.
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You made Acrobat not usable
Regarding: Share files with other users
I can´t download or print or open shared files in desktop app, even the menu buttons are clickable.
The "sharing" functionality is totally *.
I´m already sarching for alternative PDF viewer. Too bad you maded Acrobat this *.1 vote -
zacina sie
aplikacja jest niemozliwa do korzystania!!! od pierwszego dnia korzystania zacina sie podczas edytowania pdf siedze ponad 2 h. jedna z najgorszych aplikacji z jakich korzystalam. od poczatku dzialal tak samo!nie da sie zniej korzystac!
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Most Frustrating Program Ever
Adobe and its PDF function is the most frustrating software ever. I wish there was another option that functioned without such frequent glitching. Seems to never open when i want it to and have to shut down, restart etc way too often. Very frustrated !!!
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Pro DC, ihan päin helevettiä!!!
Adobe Pro DC on muuttunut kirjasimiltaan aivan älyttömäksi! Voisiko saada mitenkään vanhempaa versiota käyttöön? Meillä on firmalla 10 lisenssiä maksettuna IT-tuen (CloudNow) kautta ja vielä muutama luottokortilla kahteen kertaan, eli raha ainakin kelpaa, mutta kovin on heikkoa tämä teidän asiakaspalvelu. Haluaisin tietää, onko tätä siis mahdollista saada edellisen version mukaisena mitenkään!!! Nyt tällä ei voi tehdä niitä töitä mihin nämä on hankittu.
t: Jari Pikkupirtti, Ramo Pro Oy
jari.pikkupirtti@ramopro.fi1 vote -
Previous versions better
The first version of the cover is better. We like that color better. Please go back to that and … fill the letters in all white, no transitioning from gray to white to gray. Keep the black edging and shadow. For the second line “As told …” try to bold the font and use a thin black line to edge the letters. Put the authors’ name below the photo - “Scott and Kathleen Webb” in all white letters, no black edging in a Serif type font.
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Nothing works
I can not find a single way to send a simple PDF that's not a link. It's makes no sense.
Oh and your site decided to change to French when it requested I change location. So I selected Canada - English several more times after finding out, in French, where. that option was. And I took a video as it wouldn't change back no matter how many times I selected English.1 vote -
organizer keeps crashing
organizer keeps crashing
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I sometimes have problems selecting multiple templates.
It gives me a message: Unable to process files. Pleas try again.
1 voteHello Julio,
We are happy to inform you that this issue has been fix and you should not be seeing this error anymore. Please let us know if you face any issue again.
Sign in Acrobat Web
more than 100 page request to e sign
Do have any feature about more than 100 page can request to e sign ?
1 voteHi Jung Moon,
Currently Acrobat Web doesn't support more than a 100 pages for request signature. We appreciate your interest in helping us improve our product. We are always looking for ways to improve our product and will definitely consider your request.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Make a product that actually works
I cannot open pdf's from web browsers in Acrobat. I'm not paying for a software for it to be broken when I need it most.
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Multi size pages for esign
bring back multi page sizes for Esign
this new version does not have page functionality1 voteHi Lloyd Payne,
Thank you for your suggestion! We appreciate your interest in helping us improve our product. We are always looking for ways to improve our product and will definitely consider your request.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Unable to edit delivery message in E-Signature
These updates continue to break the functionality the requests for e-signature. Now unable to edit messages in the review and send splash screen.
1 voteHi Adam Ravotti,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with the new feature . We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better. Meanwhile, you can switch to earlier version by following the steps below,
- Open the agreement draft experiencing the issue.
- On the left panel, scroll down and click "View more".
- Click the "Switch to legacy version" link.
This will switch you to the earlier version for this specific draft only. We appreciate your patience and cooperation in resolving this issue. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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problème suite essai acrobat pro
J'ai un abonnement Adobe Acrobat Export PDF. J'ai testé Acrobat Pro puis annulé l'essai. Depuis j'ai des problèmes du type message m'indiquant que je ne suis plus abonné, ou bien que je ne peux pas utiliser certaines fonctions, qui pourtant sont dans le cadre de l'abonnement. J'ai désinstallé puis réinstallé le logiciel, j'ai toujours les même problèmes. Merci pour l'aide que vous pouvez m'apporter.1 vote -
Do you listen to people's feedback?
You need to have the ability to resend documents to be signed cause the idiots can't find them in their inbox.
Also, default settings for signing documents i.e. push notifications when they have not signed should NOT be hidden, should have that there so I can apply this to each document I send out.
Also, automatic reminders that documents have NOT been signed to the person who set up the document in the first place!1 voteHi Susan Hilton,
Thank you for your suggestion! We appreciate your interest in helping us improve our product. We are always looking for ways to improve our product and will definitely consider your request.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Adobe is getting worse not better.
Your online printing is ***. There is no print preview so I can not see what I am printing. I had to download it to print it. Your service is becoming harder and harder to use. It should be getting easier. You had a great product and it it becoming a pain in my **! I am on ther verge of switching to chrome.
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?