5353 results found
How do you convert a .pdf to a docx. It is not obvious from pdf.cloud.
Ugh!!!!! I am in .pdf services. I cannot convert my .pdf to a docx. Uploaded the file. I clicked on export. I keep getting these windows that say add more. What is the problem. I thought this was supposed to be easy.
2 votes -
基本的なロールの機能が正しく動作していない2 votes -
notification email
It is the best of we (in the cc'd) to receive email notification whenever the letter is decline by signer.
4 votes -
New Adobe Sign Interface
Not a fan of the new integration of Adobe Sign into the Document Cloud. The manage portion of Adobe Sign was a great way to quickly see who the document was sent to. I should not have to click on a document and wait for it to load in order to see who it has been sent to. It is a huge waste of time. Please make an option to revert back to the old version of Adobe Sign, or creat an option or setting to add more columns of information in the Sign Agreements page. We love using Adobe…
9 votes -
I hate this update
This new update is extremely disheartening. I was just on a call asking for assistance and the software update failed to include some very essential components. I ask the individual who was assisting me and it seemed as though he was not familiar with the new update himself nor did it seem that he understood what I needed assistance with. I want to know if there is a way to separate templates, signed agreements, drafts, and those agreements waiting to be signed. Also, It seems as though I have to click on every agreement to figure out who it was…
10 votes -
Adobe Sign Update is appalling
We have been using this Adobe Sign system for many months now and have found it to be a great addition to the way we send and receive invoices for approval. However, the new update which was done over the long weekend is very disappointing and has made the system extremely difficult to use. It is not user friendly in the slightest. The new organisation system of documents which are out for signing and have already been signed are all mixed in with each other. We can no longer sort the files by name of the person signing these invoices.…
9 votes -
No flexability in the new interface!
I still can't change the "Files" view back to the way it was and am only able to see a list view.
1 vote -
Not as efficient as the old interface!
Ouch! After sharing files I'm dropped into the "Shared For Viewing" window and have to either click "Files" and then drill back down to the folder or click the back button and dismiss the share dialog to get back to my files.
1 vote -
File conversion failure
Keeps telling me that my cloud is full, but there are no documents in my Document Cloud Files?!!!!!
4 votes -
Lacking old features in new Adobe Sign
The program seems to have completely changed from a few weeks ago. The new interface is not as user friendly. In addition, in the past version when files were uploaded for signature, there was not issue with using pages that were both landscape and portrait. This new version cuts off parts of the image instead - this needs to be fixed as it is a huge flaw. If it used to do it - it should still be able to do it.
I also no longer see a manage page and have to enter each agreement to see it's status.…
9 votes -
this SUCKS
fire whoever approved this update.
9 votes -
Change back Adobe Sign
Please change Adobe sign back. It was easy to see who had signed documents and who hadn't. This new set-up, you have to click into each individual agreement to see who it was sent to.
The same with reminders and notes - having to open each individual agreement to send them is wasting time.
My template has also disappeared. I have made a new one, but now takes extra steps to send.
Super inconvenient and inefficient. Please fix.
9 votes -
Need more customer information on the screen
Up to this morning I was able to sign into Adobe Sign and see a list of documents sent that haven't been signed yet, as well as those that were waiting for me to sign and also old documents that have already been signed. Now I'm unable to see any of those things.
Using the link https://adobeid-na1.services.adobe.com/renga-idprovider/pages/login?callback=https%3A%2F%2Fims-na1.adobelogin.com%2Fims%2Fadobeid%2FEchoSign2%2FAdobeID%2Fcode%3Fredirect_uri%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fgps.echosign.com%252Fpublic%252FadobeIDLogin%253Fserver%253Dna1.documents.adobe.com%2526port%253D443&client_id=EchoSign2&scope=openid%2CAdobeID%2Cadditional_info.account_type%2Cskybox%2Cupdate_profile.first_name%2Cupdate_profile.last_name&display=web_v2&denied_callback=https%3A%2F%2Fims-na1.adobelogin.com%2Fims%2Fdenied%2FEchoSign2%3Fredirect_uri%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fgps.echosign.com%252Fpublic%252FadobeIDLogin%253Fserver%253Dna1.documents.adobe.com%2526port%253D443%26response_type%3Dcode&relay=c233e027-b08c-4797-965e-b4ecf8ad5518&locale=en&flow_type=code&dc=false&eu=false&client_redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fims-na1.adobelogin.com%2Fims%2Fredirect%2FEchoSign2%3Fclient_redirect%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fgps.echosign.com%252Fpublic%252FadobeIDLogin%253Fserver%253Dna1.documents.adobe.com%2526port%253D443&ctx_id=adobe_document_cloud&idp_flow_type=login
takes me to https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/home/
I see that I can filter, waiting for others, etc., but it doesn't give me enough information to quickly see who the recipient is which is very helpful when looking over the results7 votes -
uploading a PDF shouldnt take 15 minutes
Id like refund.
5 votesWe identified and corrected an issue that was affecting uploads of large files.
download doc link
download document link
1 vote -
big powerpoint, encryption
- Support more than 100MB powerpoint files to convert to pdf.
- Support encryption options inside web converter
1 vote -
I'm unsatisfied with the Microsoft version of this app, as it doesn't allow me to anotate my texts
The adobe acrobat reader doesn't allow to annotate pdf texts in Microsoft computer, as the app for android phones allows.
1 vote -
Can't Extract a single page from document with over 200 pages
How do you extract a single page from a PDF that has over 200 pages? It appears that there is a limit per PDF document that you can upload to the cloud.
1 voteYou can extract pages from a PDF file using Acrobat on the desktop. You can find more information about those capabilities on this page – https://acrobat.adobe.com/us/en/acrobat/how-to/split-pdf-pages.html
If you already have a Document Cloud subscription, you can download and install Acrobat from this link: documentcloud.adobe.com/link/appcenter
1 vote -
Duplicate Option
It would be great to have a Duplicate feature in this so that you can simply update a version of a document. I do lots of review visits to the same people so the top elements would remain the same in a PDF.
2 votescfrench responded
Hi Ben – It looks like you made this comment relative to creating a PDF file. Can you explain more about what you’re trying to do?
- Don't see your idea?