1736 results found
ability to remove the home screen. It's an extra click to close out of it and it's annoying.
Why add an extra task to close a file? Whoever thought of this "brilliant" idea needs to actually work in this software in real life.. this is an annoying extra step.
2 votes -
Unique Display Themes for Each PDF?
Often I am looking at half a dozen different documents that all look very similar with similar content, but are not the same. It would help if I could change the background display colors so I can color code my documents and make sure that I don't get them confused as I am jumping between different documents. I see where the display theme can be changed for the app, but is there a way to change the display color for each file individually?
1 vote -
wir benutzen Cirtixserver in Verbindung mit lokalen Rechnern. Dadurch müssen ständig Anmeldung zur Registrierung durchgeführt werden.
Das nervt total. Vor allem, wenn kein Internet vorhanden ist. Wir überlegen schon, auf ein anderes Programm umzusteigen.
Bitte mehr als 2 Produkte parallel!!!!
1 vote -
same interface on both web platform and desktop app
The Acrobat DC desktop app is VERY limited in its functions... I'd love to see the same functionality as the DC web platform. Example, creating and accessing adobe sign templates on the desktop app.
1 vote -
As everyone has said, the tools and overall layout is a nightmare.
Why cant I zoom out of the default oversize document? Whose grandmother set these defaults?
5 votes -
Toolbar icons keep changing/moving/disappearing
Step back in functionality and hugely annoying--icons take up too much room, and seem to move/float around. I just had to add the "view one page" and "view full width" icons (side by side, BTW) to my toolbar, when they had been there just a few days ago.
2 votes -
acrobat DC
Please dont leave a window open when I close a document. Its a huge hassle to have to close both windows. Also please go back to the prior command access. I am completely lost at figuring out where command icons are and the new system is by no means easier.
1 vote -
Open PDFs in top left screen position when no other PDFs are open
If there are no open PDFs, there is no reason for Acrobat to open the next PDF in the next staggered position as occurs when opening multiple PDFs at the same time. It interferes with open tools I like to keep on the right side of the screen.
2 votes -
1 vote
Apologies for the issue that you are facing here .
1) Could you please tell me the exact version number of Adobe Acrobat that you are working on ?
2) Please update to the latest version of Adobe Acrobat using Help → Check for updates.
3) Is this consistent for you on every Acrobat session ?
4) Could you please confirm me your windows Os version number and the screen scaling value that you are working with ?Thanks
Ayush Jain -
Bug: Exiting Read Mode Traps Search Bar + Hides Scroll Bar
Could not find this bug,
To reproduce:
1 Enter Read Mode in any document (had it on numerous .pdfs)
2 Exit Read Mode, and try to search or find the scroll bar
3 Search bar trapped halfway into document/under UI, scroll bar gone (another though less annoying consequence is the lack of automatic reformatting of the page when opening the left navigation tab e.g. bookmarks)
4 Note: search function and scroll bar are present and functional when going back into Read Mode
The problem arises when trying to use these functions after EXITING Read Mode.
-Lenovo Yoga 720 (13")…1 vote -
It is essential for the user to be able to disable the default view settings that were set by the creator of the document (often stupidly).
It is essential for the user to be able to disable the default view settings that were set by the creator of the document (often stupidly).
In 35+ years of using computer software, this is the dumbest default setting I have ever seen, and it creates serious usability issues for those wishing to use Acrobat for business purposes (i.e. not graphic design/web design/desktop publishing/etc)
Please IMMEDIATELY ASAP fix this so that the user can disable these default settings and thus view documents effectively instead of spending loads of time fixing display *****-ups caused by the content creator's clumsy use of…
3 votesHi,
Thanks for reaching out to us for your concerns.
We’ll keep a track of your Feature Request and will update if we have more users asking for it.Thanks
Ayush Jain -
Acrobat DC crashes hourly Running Mojave
Adobe Acrobat DC is just an awful counter-productive tool now in Mojave. It crashes hourly (if not more often) just doing normal very simple tasks that I would normally be able to do in previous Mac OS. It doesn't matter if Im just reviewing a pdf made by someone else, creating a PDF from INDD, adding notes to a supplied PDF, etc etc etc ... it just constantly crashes. No warning, no error, just crash... program just quits out. So counter productive now its killing us as a company. PLEASE FIX!!!
22 votesHi,
Can you please update to the latest version of Mojave (10.14.2) and see if issue persists ?
ayush Jain -
Zoom Value display
Please, please can we have the option to show the Zoom Value (percentage) on the main toolbar. I can't use the 'out of toolbar' display as it disappears, and can't keep taking the mouse down to show the disappearing toolbar every time I want to know what zoom value I'm at.
Mike9 votes -
BUG: Default size when opening a PDF file
BUG: Default size when opening a PDF file.
I've tried all the suggestions, but when I open a PDF file, it opens with 199% or 165% BUT NEVER smaller. I would prefer that it ALWAYS opens in 75% or 100%. It is a waste of time to go and click on the - to make it smaller.
I've changed the settings in Edit -- Preferences -- Page Display & Accessibility to 75% / Single Page.
What else can I do?? Please help.It is sooo frustrating!
1 vote -
Please stop forcing your obnoxious self-promotional popups in our faces like the "Share files with others." If I want to share files with others I will email the file to them, not use your data mining cloud.
13 votes -
Please include the options for cloud documents in recents
Please add these options to the same place in the recents folder. I often have to download the pdf to my downloads folder and having to go to my document cloud every time I need to do this is very inconvenient. These are both in the sidebar, and it's confusing that they're there sometimes, and sometimes not for the same document.
1 vote -
Hand tool not working
The hand tool is just a black square. I cant screenshot as the mouse never appears in screenshots.
1 vote -
Permanent Toolbar Display and Features
Longtime Bluebeam User... How can you not have toolbars permanently accessible? Similarly, when you create "quick tools" and you use one how to the tool properties (colors, fonts, etc.) not show up when the quick tool is selected for use. After using this for the last month I realize it is not really competing in the same space as Bluebeam but these are some functional items that cause users to make 4-5 clicks instead of 1, on markups of large plan sets this can add a lot of time to the effort, reducing efficiency.
2 votes -
Here's a GREAT IDEA for you idiots at Adobe!
Stop cramming these fking notifications down our throats! All this nonsense in "gadgets" you keep throwing into the user interface is doing nothing but ******* off this $9000/mo customer to the point I'm ready to pull the plug on Adobe products in our company!
Get your heads out your ***** Adobe!
1 vote -
drag and drop files in document cloud.
seriously, this is such a basic feature that's available on any type of file organizer these days.
whenever want to move a pdf into another file in my document cloud I have to:
1) mark said file,
2) then click move.
3) pick the file to move my pdf into.
4) then press ok...anywhere else this can be achieved in two steps, drag the pdf to the the destination file, and let go!
while I'm at it, the document cloud seems so unintuitive. Regarding saving pdfs onto the cloud, it seems like that only way for me to save…
7 votes
- Don't see your idea?