12306 results found
Find does not work
FInd does not work. Always asks for whole word. Advanced find does not find anything even though I can see the word I'm searching for next to the find window.
1 vote -
Data area passed to a system call is too small error.
Periodically Acrobat pumps a message stating "Data area passed to a system call is too small." I'm running Acrobat DC, Windows 10, Dell Precision 7520, 16B RAM, 1TBSSD, 256GBSSD, Nvidia GPU, two (2) external monitors. I'm a Senior Interaction Designer at Stryker in Redmond, WA. Not sure what this error means or how to resolve.
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Printing problem
All .pdf files taking forever to print. Another user reported same problem.
1 vote -
Option to Generate Email From Comment
I would love functionality that would allow the user to generate an email from a comment, including the comment or a screen capture of the comment [in place] after a review closes. I spend a lot of time screen capturing comments and their location and pasting them into emails to continue a conversation with select reviewers.
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It messed up my font organisation when I converted it to word.
My font came out as a bunch of symbols when I transferred it to word.
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Adobe sign errors
i am so frustrated that I am paying for a software that wont work. I get an error with no code everytime.
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Google Suite (Gmail) contacts integration
Allow user to access his contact list saved in gmail to send pdfs off for signature. There is no integration between a google suites account and Adobe Acrobat Pro DC. Even after adding the custom email in Pro DC, one has to copy paste email addresses when using the fill/sign feature.
1 voteHi,
Thanks for providing your feedback. We will forward this request to the appropriate team and let you know in case of any updates.
Sandeep -
Función subrayar y agregar texto en MacBook
La versión para Mac no viene con las funciones de agregar texto ni subrayar, como la app para iPad y iPhone. Sería muy útil que las agregaran
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Solution(Bugfix) for Adobe Acrobat modify files with activated Explorer Preview
Solution(Bugfix) for Adobe Acrobat modify files with activated Explorer Preview
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fb_img 15672358135367284(1).jpg
Not sure how to get these rite.. Tried few things like put them in FB search bar an download few programs too.. Nothing worked out
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Correct recognized text box should allow user to change the field
After running OCR and then running correct, it sometimes doesn't recognize the entire word or a whole character and there's no way to override the incomplete recognition to ensure the entire word is corrected or to correct the partial recognition. If the user could override that recognition and select the full word or character, then correct it to be accurate. Then it would be fabulous if the program would automatically rerun to find similar configurations and offer to correct them throughout the entire file and show the results similar to an advanced search, to complete a quick survey and have…
1 vote -
Correcting a word in OCR, should carry forward to search all others in the same file and automatically correct. I
Once a word is corrected, Adobe should automatically apply that correction throughout the entire file. Otherwise, you end up having to correct the same word on every page.
1 vote -
double sided printing
Mac OSX 10.14.6 (18G95). DC Version Build: 19.12.20040.345140. When printing multi page docs, unless I open the Print/Printer dialog box, DC automatically prints double sided even though the check box for that option is not checked.
1 vote -
Bug with Bug Report-Adobe acrobat 2017 causing Micosoft excel to not able to open file by double clicking it
Recently we had a user report that when he tried to open excel file by double clicking, excel 2013 came up blank. After doing some troubleshooting, we found the adobe acrobat 2017 is causing the issue. It may have caused by Adobe PDFMaker com-addin in acrobat 2017. Once adobe acrobat 2017 is uninstalled, the issue went away. I am suspecting the recently windows update on the Microsoft office may have contributed. I have the older version Adobe acrobat DC 2015 did not have this issue. Can someone please look into this issue and release new fix/update to fix this problem?
1 vote -
JPEG decoder artifact bug
The attached Output.pdf renders the image differently in AcrobatPro to non-Adobe PDF readers (eg, Safari). There is a faint light grey line, about 13 pixels wide, down the right edge. If you "Browse Internal PDF Structure" you can see the grey pixels as fe rather than ff in the JPEG stream, so it seems as though the PDF JPEG decoder has an off-by-one error.
I've also attached Original.jpg which shows what the image should look like. It doesn't have the grey line, as you can see by loading it into, eg, Photoshop. If you convert it to a PDF using…
1 vote -
Slow can't work if finder busy
Acrobat coms to a halt and get spinning wheel (on Mac) whenever anything is copying, moving, etc in the Mac finder, especially over VPN. Also keeps crashing.
1 vote -
the ability to scale dimensions off blue prints, etc
The ability to set a scale, and do take-offs from blueprints that almost always transmitted as PDFs.
1 vote -
Announce Acrobat Updates without crashing Acrobat
Develop a method to announce new updates without first crashing Acrobat. Many other companies have this feature.
1 vote -
More than 2 computers required when setting up new replacement computers , suggest a two week period to allow time to setup new computers
temp two week licence for more than two computers, to allow setup of new laptops. Need to carry on using existing laptops whilst the new computers are in transition.
1 vote -
Adobe Acrobat DC Version: 19.012.20040 freezes on startup-white dialog box
After updating to this version, on startup the application displays an empty dialog box and completely freezes, forcing you to quit the application in Task Manager. Repair, uninstall/reinstall, clearing temp files all did not work.
Starting application on the administrator account allowed it to go through the dialog box which had to do with resetting default apps then allowed the application to startup and run correctly on the limited user account.
OS Edition
Microsoft Windows 10 Pro x64
OS Version
OS Build
17763.6781 vote
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