12242 results found
Full Tools, Menu customisation
Acrobat DC wastes so much screen space in non-customisable areas - It is common to 'snap' the Acrobat Application to Half-Screen - but doing so hides many menu Tools, but ALWAYS leaves 'Home, Tools, Document & then The Login Name. - These are rarely (never) used.
Please allow them to be Hidden, Or return Menu/Tool icons to a 'normal' design/style as used in the previous 10 versions of Acrobat.
'PRO' does not = Tablet user.690 votesHi,
We are delighted to share with you that Acrobat and Reader Desktop release for DC Continuous (21.007.20091) is Live now and this Takes care of the Feature Request to Change the Display Size of the Acrobat without changing the Scaling/Resolution of the machine. This can be Done from “View” → “Display Size”. For now this is avaialble for windows only.
More Info Here : https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/using/whats-new.html and go to “Change Acrobat Display Size”
Please update your Acrobat (It should Auto update or you should do Help → Check for updates) and let us know your Feedback.
Ayush Jain -
Arabic OCR
Need to recognize Arabic text from scanned images.
632 votesWe already considered this request. We will update you once the team prioritise it and implement it.
Arabic script with Fill & Sign
This topic has been discussed before, but I want to share one thing the team might find useful.
Now we tell all Acrobat users that Adobe Fill and Sign doesn't support Arabic. But when you look at it, we are able to type Arabic very well on Desktop machines and mobile devices.
On a Mac for instance, as an Adobe CC subscriber, I have to choose English in Preferences for my Acrobat language in order to show [ Fill & Sign, Send and Track, and Send for Signature ] features in Tools workspace. If I go and change Acrobat language…
608 votes -
Create Expandable Text Field Forms
Adobe Acrobat Pro needs to have the ability to create expandable text field forms that allow the text box to expand when the user types similar to what you can do with Livecycle.
This is a feature that has been requested a lot online. Currently Acrobat Pro only allows multi-line text field forms with a scroll bar, but you cannot create an expanding text field form that increases in the height of the text field to accomodate more text.
The functionality to create this even in Livecycle is too clunky and complicated to use.
401 votes -
How to get a monthly invoice
- Sign in to https://account.adobe.com/plans.
- Click Manage plan or View plan.
In Billing history, select either:
- to view a PDF of your invoice
- to send a copy to your email address.
To print the invoice, do one of the following:
- Select the PDF viewer’s Print icon.
- Choose File > Print in your browser.
For more information and clarity on the above steps please visit this help document: https://helpx.adobe.com/manage-account/using/print-creative-cloud-invoice.html
367 votes -
Ability to add more toolbars
It was very cool in early versions that it was possible to add more toolbars. Its annoying that the space is limited for the extra tools I want to add into the tool bar.
I would like to ask for adding the ability to add a new-line/toolbar so all the tools I add can be visible without need to expand a menu by clicking on the dots at the right side.337 votes -
Time saving toolbars
Give us more useful Toolbar with plenty of stuff - must make endless useless clicks to access simple things. Just to Open a page needs 2 clicks! This wastes time. Hover over text that fan open files would help.
This is a terrible product to use - thank goodness for the free stuff Foxit and PDF Creator. Not user friendly and pro-production at all.
267 votes -
PLEASE Don't make the user go through a menu to check off a comment! You DOUBLE the time it takes to go through comments.
PLEASE ELIMINATE the need to go through a dropdown menu just to check off a commnet.
IT WAS FINE to have a checkbox. It took HALF THE TIME.
254 votes -
Accessibility Errors with PDF Maker Update Sept 2021
Several major bugs have been documented by users in the Adobe Community Forums since Acrobat and PDF Maker were updated on September 14, 2021.
They are:
1: Alt-Text from MS Word is not converting into the PDF. Instead, it is dropped and gibberish code is inserted. See https://community.adobe.com/t5/acrobat-discussions/alt-text-converting-wrong-from-word-to-pdf/m-p/12393017 This violates the PDF/UA-1 standard which requires that every graphic have alt-text that verbally describes the graphic.
THIS IS A HUGE BUG. You essentially have made Acrobat unusable for those who are required by their country's laws to make fully accessible PDFs.
2: Every cell border on every table cell is being…
233 votesHi,
Thank you for raising these accessibility issues. The post mentions about the following six bugs being introduced with the update that went live on September 14, 2021
1: Alt-Text from MS Word is not converting into the PDF. Instead, it is dropped and gibberish code is inserted
2: Every cell border on every table cell is being tagged as <P>PathPathPathPath
3: The underline on Hyperlinks should be tagged as artifacts
4: Borders and background shadings on Text Boxes are being tagged as a combination of <Figure>s and PathPathPath
5: Paragraph borders and shadings: same deal as #4 above.Per the PDF/UA-1 standard, they are visually decorative and should be artifacted
6: Dragging and dropping elements in both the Tag and Order panels is now broken.Would like to mention that out of these, #1 and #6 were introduced with the Sep 14 update and remaining (#2, #3, #4 & #5)…
more than 2 signature / initial options for fill & sign tool
Only 2 signature / initial images can be stored currently. Every time I want another signature I have to swap out an existing image for one from my files. It would be hugely beneficial to be able to maintain a much larger selection of stored signatures / initials for completing documents for multiple members of the household.
206 votes -
Installing Acrobat Pro plus Acrobat Reader is a necessity
PDF forms developpers needs to test their forms (created with Acrobat Pro) with Acrobat Reader, so we need to have Acrobat Pro AND Acrobat Reader on the same computer.
Preventing us from doing so is a nonsense that forces us to use competing software (Foxit or PDF Studio).
See these topics:
https://community.adobe.com/t5/acrobat-discussions/cannot-install-acrobat-reader-with-acrobat-pro/td-p/12742576199 votes -
Remove tools sidebar selector, or make it an option, or an option to move it to the top or the bottom
The tool sidebar is too close to the scroll bar, and make it difficult to use and select the scroll bar, which is almost always used. Make the position and/or the visibility of the tools sidebar a preference, since this redundant control is available using many other existing ways. This is the must frustrating, duplicative, and unusually located user control I have seen in many years.
194 votes -
Why did Acrobat change the UI to this simplistic, childish design? Terrible, slower to use.
Acrobat Pro used to be seamless, easy to use and efficiently laid out. Now it looks like some child's puzzle game where you have to access numerous screens to accomplish what you used to be able to do from ONE PLACE.
Maddening, dumb redesign that apparently was done for what? Tablet use? Why ruin something many of us use in professional settings so students and casual users can play around with their school prom flyer on mom's ipad?
It is ugly and not at all intuitive. Clearly the project team didn't have anyone with institutional knowledge involved.189 votes -
Remove the big blue "Share" button
You have absolutely no control over the choice of menu design, forced to look at a big blue “share” button, a feedback button and a question mark. When operating in half screen the frequently used menu items I have chosen are hidden, because you think I want to share, learn or send feedback. Give me the ability to remove and take charge of my workspace environment.
180 votesWith our latest release on 11th Dec. 2018, the issue reported by you has been addressed.
If your product has not already been updated, to get the latest product update, click on the menu Help —> Check for updates in the product.You can now customize it by right clicking on the Toolbar and selecting appropriate option.
Comment list takes too long to load
Getting comment list to show in Acrobat DC takes way too much time. It's a drag. At least on Mac OS.
166 votesHi All,
We have provided a registry protected fix, some users confirmed that this worked for them.
Could you please try this at your end as well and let us know your feedback?
Kindly make sure you are on the latest DC build(20.012.20043) and then follow the steps from the attached word file: “Steps.docx”.Regards,
Arvind -
Precise placement of objects in Prepare Form and Edit Form
I would like to see a "transform" capability similar to InDesign, with a panel or set of boxes in which the actual pixel X & Y coordinates, as well as the dimensions of an object, can be precisely set. Currently, the resolution on this type of placement appears to be set at 2 points, and I would like to be able to fine-tune that to pixels or 10,000ths of an inch as I can in InDesign. That's the basic idea, but read on for rationale.
I work mainly in InDesign to create pdf forms that I then take into Acrobat…165 votes -
Dock Properties Bar
Through version 9, the properties bar was dock-able. Since X it is not, but it should be. Properties are always useful, it is annoying to have it floating over the document when I have toolbar space at the top of my screen sitting empty and gray and sad. I get that the properties toolbar is context sensitive so it will grow and shrink, but it was in 9 also. Please make all toolbars dockable!
143 votes -
Adobe Acrobat Pro XI vs. Adobe Acrobat DC
Can we get the Acrobat XI version of the Scanning stuff back? This multiple page setup in order to get to scanning a document is horrendous. When you update things, try to avoid bloating them into more steps, more bells and whistles that are just eye candy and do little to enhance anything....I like when we go update and find out that the newer version has less garbage on it, less junk added to it for overall performance gain instead of the industry standard of new versions = more bloated programming = less productivity and horrible GUI - Why does…
123 votes -
TO: Adobe Acrobat Pro and Edit .Pdf Team: Please, please, please - you must make the edit .pdf tool much more user friendly. Terrible for
I just spent the last 2 hours trying to change the margins and the paragraph spacing on a simple document with just 4 pages.
YOU MUST GO BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD AND MAKE YOUR TOOLS MUCH MORE USER FRIENDLY TO THE AVERAGE PERSON. UNTIL ADOBE FIGURES OUT HOW TO MAKE THEIR TOOLS MORE USER-FRIENDLY, YOU WILL CONTINUE TO LOSE CUSTOMERS IN THE MEANTIME. GREAT TOOLS AND RESOURCES - awful user-friendly applications. When we spend 2 hours with an Adobe customer support person on chat who cannot even do this simple task with time efficiency, then it is clear to…
118 votesThank you for the feedback. I have forwarded your request to the engineering team. They will reach out to you if any more information is needed.
Inclusion of Indian classic ODIA language in the OCR tool in Acrobat Pro DC.
The mother-tongue of the people living in the state of Odisha is Odia language. Around 45 million (http://www.dataforall.org/dashboard/censusinfoindia_pca/) of people in India and abroad speak Odia language. Odia is a primarily spoken language in the Indian states of Odisha, parts of West Bengal, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Andhra Pradesh. Odia is the official language of Odisha and the second official language of Jharkhand.
The Union Cabinet of India classified Odia as classical language on 20-February-2014. (https://pib.gov.in/newsite/PrintRelease.aspx?relid=103967). So far Sanskrit, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam and Odia have been declared as classical languages in Indian subcontinent.
Therefore Adobe is…
117 votes
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