12219 results found
LaTeX + Drawboard PDF = Error 18
I'm using LaTeX (Beamer) to create my files and Drawboard PDF to draw on them. When I open the files with Acrobat, the slides with annotations with them result in Acrobat saying "There was a problem reading this document (18)". I can't even edit and try to save the document:
Other PDF applications and even Chrome work just fine:
https://community.adobe.com/t5/image/serverpage/image-id/111414i91B07C2CC5A11750/image-size/original?v=1.0&px=-1Steps to reproduce the issue
Open the file and scroll to a slide with annotations.Environment
Acrobat DC 2015, Acrobat Pro DC 2020.006.20042, Windows 10Expected Result
Acrobat opens the file without issues.Observed result
Acrobat throws an error…
2 votes -
Unable to Sign In with Acrobat Pro DC on Mac.
Unable to finish Fill and Sign.
Unable to Sign In
Unable to Sign OutThis is productivity?
1 vote -
Document Cloud Typekit Service
Creative Cloud apps have the ability to disable Adobe Typekit font service but Document Cloud do not.
I would like to have the ability to disable users access to download Fonts.
If a user is assigned access to a Creative Cloud app (Font access disabled) and to a Document Cloud App (Font on by default) the user will have access to typekit fonts via the Creative Cloud app.
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Option to change default Edit Video Properties globally for a document
When using the Save as PDF command in another app (e.g. FrameMaker), videos imported into the document will play on click in the PDF. The default playback is to play back content on the page in a small box in the upper right corner of the page. This is not convenient to users. To make the video player easier for users to click and play, I have to change the video properties for each video individually. This request is to add the Edit Video Properties tab to Document Properties and allow users to set the size and position of the…
1 vote -
As soon as i hit the edit button automaticly the program changes my font to many other differenmt wierd out of shape and size fronts throughout the whole page it jumbles everything up and even turns letters into sylabols and random **** and doesnt reconize the current front when its should be enabled to help!
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Bug with dynamic stamp | Adobe freeze
With a Windows 10 when I want to access dynamic stamp, Adobe freezes. Do you have any ideas on this problem?
thank you,
1 vote -
Box connector not working
When attempting to connect Box and Adobe we get to the point where it says Grant access to Box and are unable to click the submit button in order to move forward. Adobe Acrobat Pro DC is up to date.
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file will not save to anything.
file won't save, everything greyed out. no explanation why. need to send to print asap. horrible software
2 votes -
Not allowing to scan multiple pages and freezes up
When creating a new pdf. I start scanning, the scanner scans all the pages but the adobe program just reads the 1st page and freezes up. you can not close. operation not allowed still in scanning process.
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Create public links / URLs to contract / agreement templates
Hey dear Adobe Team,
adobe sign is almost awesome. But i miss one important function. For GDPR-Contracts, which have the same content in 95% of the time. It would be awesome to:
- Create a template (already possibe)
- Get a public url/link that we can send the custumers with our order processing Mail by default, or set it anywhere on our website.
- Customer klicks that link in our mail and gets to the PDF in his browser (like already possible)
- Fills out the Adress fields, Signs it (already possible)
- Customer has to fill out one additional field with his Mail Adress
- …
2 votes -
Adobe sessions ends abruptly
Adobe sessions keeps on ending abruptly
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Bug - File In Use
I close a file in DC, but when you try to move the file with File Explorer I get the error message that the file is still open. To move the file I must close DC entirely.
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Add a custom external program link to the "Edit using" submenu
Sometime the Edit mode of Acrobat is useful to extract vectorial graphics from a page. Once selected the elements in the page you do a right click and the last item on the context menu is "Edit using".
Depending on the selection the submenu will propose "Microsoft Paint" for raster images or Acrobat for graphic elements. Other that this choice on the submenu there is "Open with..." that let you select an executable file to which pass as a parameter the path of a temporary PDF document that contains only the selection.
It will be useful to have more than…1 vote -
Adobe Sign Status
the status of the Adobe sign agreement out for signature is not refreshing automatically and you have to close the app and reopen to refresh the status
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Keyboard Shorcuts for Set Status
It would be incredibly useful to be able to set keyboard shortcuts for the "Set Status: None, Accepted, Completed, Cancelled, and Rejected" commenting tools.
Set status, to me is an advanced feature used to enable more efficient workflows, adding keyboard shortcuts would add even more efficiency.
32 votes -
adobe preview double click not working
I have tried this in Windows 10 2004 and windows 1909. On windows 2004 Adobe standard 2015 is being used. If I have preview enabled in windows I can open other files fine such as excel or word.However if the Adobe pdf is multiple pages long, double clicking it won't open it. Sometimes after pdf shows in explorer preview, I can double click it. Sometimes it takes 5 double clicks and pdf file opens. I have the same issue on a Windows 10 1909 with Adobe Reader DC. Once preview is disabled in windows explorer, pdf's open fine on double…
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compare function not visible in tools on Acrobat Standard DC Continuous 2020.012.20043
Is it supposed to be or is this only available at a higher subscription?
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1 vote
Acrobat seems to corrupt pdf files randomly
I am a new user to Acrobat DC Pro, however, I find that Acrobat recently has been very unpredictable in a way that it corrupts multiple pdf files. It will all work fine at first when I first open those pdfs and after a few days, when I try to open those files, either part of the pages becomes blank or half of a page becomes black in the background and contains green words.
I have check my accessibility setting in preference and I have the color changing setting off.... I wonder why this continues to happen, and it is…
1 vote -
SAML for Okta
After talking with support I understand that there is no idp initiated login via SSO to adobe, just SP initiated. This is something I would like to see, specifically for Okta
4 votes
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