12306 results found
Interact with Document Cloud and Adobe Sign from within Acrobat
It would be both intelligent and highly productive to allow Acrobat users to access their Document Cloud and Adobe Sign activity/functionality within Acrobat rather than forcing them to sign-in separately via a browser.
1 vote -
Drag and drop open tab pdfs into another open pdf.
I don't understand why I can't drag and drop an open pdf into another pdf that I am organising, ie adding the latest statement to a journal statement. It is all a bit cumbersome at the moment
2 votes -
OCR function improvement.
I have noticed that some of the other OCR software performs better than Adobe Acrobat DC OCR function... i.e. Power PDF. I wonder if you can improve it's functionality as far as recognizing the characters is concerned?...
Jeff Paarsa4 votes -
Customize "Save as" locations
When I go to Save As PDF, I would like to be able to add my own frequently-used folders, even if they were not used recently. Maybe add them on the left side of the window? I save 99% of my PDF's to sub-folders in one of two master folders, so adding shortcuts to the two master folders on the Save As screen would be helpful.
4 votes -
Reopen a closed file that ended abrubtly - put a button or option ot end
I frequently combine files - invoices to timesheets. I end the file abruptly ON PURPOSE! The next invoice I open I get a popup if I want to reopen the file I just closed. NO I DO NOT WANT TO DO THAT. Repeat that by 50 files or so and it gets plain annoying. Please add a button "DO NOT SHOW ME THIS POPUP AGAIN" or something to that extent. Thanks.
3 votes -
Does Adobe offer a reward or pay a fee if anyone finds a security fault that removes/bypasses Security Document Restrictions
Does Adobe offer a reward or pay a fee if anyone finds a security fault that allows almost anyone to bypass Security Document Restrictions?
If so, what would the reward/fee be?
1 vote -
Moving sticky notes between far off pages in PDF
Please introdue a feature where sticky notes can be moved between far off pages within and also if possible between PDFs.
This should be done so that files having lots of sticky notes in them can be smoothly worked with. I have a file with 3000+ sticky notes in it but the notes are all in different pages and I want to streamline it.
Copy pasting content individually one sticky note at a time is tedious and so would request Adobe to allow a feature where one can simply drag the sticky notes across the pages.
One solution is by…
1 vote -
reorder pages
Let's say we have a document 40 pages long. The usefulness of all 40 pages vary because of end-user knowledge.
As such,
Master users will preferably only read 5 out of those 40 pages.
Experienced will read 15 pages
Intermediates 30 pages
First time users 40 pages.Now this already is possible with a plug-in, but I fail to understand why Adobe don't see plug-ins as a clear sign that users want / need the functionality.
Ok, what would be great is being able to script a user end button that calls the sort bookmarks function. The PDF would already…
1 vote -
Adobe 10 runs extremely slow at times; I get a "not responding" error message numerous times. Takes forever to open a document.
Adobe runs extremely slow at times; I get a "not responding" error message numerous times each day. Files take a very long time to load or they just don't open. Adobe crashes (closes) several times each day.
2 votes -
Set default color for adding text
Make it possible to set a default color in the menu:
Preferences > Content Editingin addition to the already supported settings for font and its size.
57 votes -
want to add page numbers in adobe acrobat pro DC, but page numbers that i assign to each page change dont automatically update. they should!
want to add page numbers in adobe acrobat pro DC, but page numbers that i assign to each page in the header/footer area dont automatically update. they should!
1 vote -
How about making it possible to bookmark a page. Doesn't work and no help!
I have a document opened, and would like to add a bookmark. I have the bookmark panel open and I have the left pull down icon f"Options", another icon labelled "Find Current Bookmark", but its grayed out, (no bookmarks yet). What am I missing?
1 vote -
Can't share files by dowloading to document load all of the sudden!
What is happening with this program?! You are making it harder and harder to share files! Fix it please!!!
1 vote -
The Pdf Reader show no number of pages in the folder
In each folder of Windows 10 computer you can change, what the columns show. They show normally the date and size of the files. If the Pdf-Reader document is in a folder and i want to show how many pages my Pdf-Reader document have, it does not work.
1 vote -
HKEY_CURRENT_USER Startup Run keys not removed by uninstallation of Adobe Acrobat DC
The following HKEYCURRENTUSER Startup Run keys are not removed by uninstallation of Adobe Acrobat DC:
"CCXProcess"="\"C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Creative Cloud Experience\CCXProcess.exe\""
"Adobe Acrobat Synchronizer"="\"C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat DC\Acrobat\AdobeCollabSync.exe\""1 vote -
multiple text line links tab order
Using 13.1. Don't know if this is an Acrobat or an InDesign issue, but recently noticed that if I have text that flows to 2 lines and that has a hyperlink behind it, in Acrobat, the tags show the link as having two Link-OBJR, but they are the reverse of reading order. So if you tab the page, you go from 2nd line of text to first. So,
'Go to
the store'
tabs as if it is 'the store' 'go to'. The underlying link is fine--no issue there--it's the tab order and tag order (tag order perhaps then impacting screen…
2 votes -
User option to changing highlight color and brightness of "Find" (Ctrl F)
The ability for the user to change the color and brightness of the highlight when using "Find" (Ctrl F) is needed.
In many companies, Adobe Acrobat is used to view and edit thousands of different styles of documents. In many cases, multiple colors are used in each document. These documents can have thousands of pages. The most convenient way to search for particular information is to use the "Find" (Ctrl F) tool. The highlight color that is currently used can easily blend in with the surrounding colors of the documents, making it difficult to locate the highlighted search criteria. If…
8 votes -
Covert or add to other languages
Conert to other languages???
1 vote -
Not user friendly
They need a much more comprehensive tutorial. I dont even know how to edit a PDF!!! Everytime I press the return button to move my paragraph down it is deleted!!! I'm so upset I spent $26 on something a regular person cannot use. I'm not a computer noob. Adobe is seriously confusing. The names of the tools dont match up with their functions.
4 votes -
"Send or receive feedback fast" popup - Please Remove
Constantly getting a huge "Send or receive feedback fast" popup near the huge blue Share button... every time I save or edit a PDF. Very very disruptive. Please allow users to disable popups such as this.
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