12316 results found
Selection Tool
Apparently the new interface does not allow you to select, and keep selected, text comments. ALso, you can no longer make window selections to select multiple text comments at one time. Also, you cannot keep text selected, or have the option to double click to edit text. This new interface has tripled the time it takes for me to comment on documents. Please give US the option of how we want to handle selections!
5 votes -
the three dots
by clicking three dots (...), a drop-down menu appears which is the closest thing I can achieve to my beloved custom tools that always appeared in the interface, in the order that I selected, and sometimes adjusted. Once something has been done, instead of dropping down the tools, clicking the three dots seems to repeat the most recent action, resulting in unwanted zooming. If you've got the three dots program to repeat the last action, please add an option to stop it.
1 vote -
Adobe Acrobat DC Pro is powerful; however I find it impossible to save my frequently used tools. They move or disappear.
A quick access toolbar (see the one available in MS Word) is essential for me. Acrobat X/XI had something like it, in that my frequently used tools always would be in the same place. I did customize the tools in my Acrobat DC Pro, and arranged the order the way I like them- at least three times. Nonetheless, my customized tools don't appear at next use.
1 vote -
pan tool changes to selection tool randomly after panning mk2, this shouldn't have been declined.
Pan tool is converting to the selection tool after I pan a sheet. I have pan selected; and am panning over images.
Bump and agreed. The software juggling between pan and select is the most irritating feature I have ever experienced in all adobe products I have ever used. This shouldn't be considered a feature. Anyone who ever uses this has the knowledge to click the select tool before selecting stuff. When you have to browse through dozens of construction plans with comments and the whole bit that can amount to millions of dollars in liability if done wrong, and…
3 votes -
rotation when double clicking
When I open a PDF and then double click on the page, all pages rotate 90Deg. Why that and how to stop it?
2 votesHi,
Thanks for reaching out to us for your concerns.
1) Could you please let me know the current version # of Acrobat that you are working on ?
2) Is this issue with every PDF that you are trying on or is it specific to some PDF file. Can you please share any sample PDF.
3) Can you share a Screen Video of the issue so that we have a clear picture when issue gets reproduced.Thanks
Ayush Jain -
Searching for Highlighted Text
It would be fabulous if one could search for text with highlighting applied in Adobe Standard. We had deposition transcripts in PDF format with highlighted designations (certain lines of text had highlighting applied) and were in need of counting the number of highlighted lines. The only solution was to manually count the lines. Having the ability to search for highlighted text would have been very useful. Thanks for reading. Happy Tuesday.
3 votes -
Align is not working if one field is selected.
This is a simple task that should be possible.
1 vote -
ALL Signatures "SHOULD" have a TIME STAMP, as well as date
ALL Signatures "SHOULD" have a TIME STAMP, as well as date
2 votes -
Adobe Acrobat X Pro texts automatically highlighted with different colors (bug/error?)
I've been using Adobe Acrobat X Pro in Windows 10 for 2 years now and this is the first time I have encountered this kind of bug/error.
First problem was Acrobat crashed then I can't open it anymore so I re-installed the whole CS6 Design and Web Premium. Afterwards, that's where I saw the texts were highlighted in different colors. If I zoom in, the highlight disappear but when I zoom out, the highlight changes.
Can someone help me?
1 vote -
How do I select color in the text and sign mode?
make it possible to easily change text color in Sign mode of Adobe acrobat DC
1 vote -
plugin fix 19.021.20061 Adobe Acrobat Distiller won't update
I was able to download two of the three fixes for crashing because of the plug-in issue since the 12/10/19 update. I'm unable to download the Distiller fix, says it isn't the right version, though the version is also dated 12/10/19. I rebooted my machine but still cannot create a pdf in some programs - it simply shuts down with the plug-in error message. Help!
1 vote -
When "Search has skipped files because either these files are corrupt or you don't have permissions to open them", have Acrobat report the p
When "Search has skipped files because either these files are corrupt or you don't have permissions to open them", have Acrobat report the full path and the filename
3 votes -
When Saving File Shows -Signed When Signature Is Added As In Previous Releases
In previous Acrobat users save the pdf and -signed suffix would be in the save file. Please add option to DC. The Accounting Firm just switched to DC, and does not have this automatic option now.
3 votesHi,
Thanks for reporting the issue. We have shared the feedback with the engineering team and will get back to you once we have an update.
Sandeep Grover -
Allow spell check for all content within Acrobat
I think adding a feature to spell check all content within a PDF would be greatly beneficial for everyone. Our company uses spell check within Word all the time to ensure no egregious errors are present, but when documents are pulled into artwork, we then lose that ability to do a spell check. Many companies work strictly out of Acrobat for most of their process, but the only thing spell check is able to review on the artwork is comments. If it could review all content, it would help save errors in printing which would save companies money. If you…
4 votes -
Undo Redo when adding, deleting, replacing, and moving thumbnails
I move, add, delete thumbnails in the preview on left. Often I must undo or redo a change but no edit undo exists for this. I have to hope I haven't hit "save" or else I have no chance of recovering a deleted page. Or if I've moved a page, I have to remember where and manually move it back, as no "undo" and "redo" exists for this purpose. If you could "undo" and "redo" for editing thumbnails (and not just the content of the document), it would be fantastic.
4 votes -
Update W4 and I9 to 2020 forms
In Adobe Sign under library documents > Adobe Sign Templates, there are a number of IRS tax forms. The W4 and I9 documents that are provided are now out of date. Would it be possible to update to the 2020 forms?
Thank you!
2 votes -
Fix settings for page displays on the side bar..
Each time I open a new doc, I have to click on the left side bar, then click on the pages to show them. My old version saved these settings and any new doc opened the pages would show.
Why did the UI designers complicate things- aesthetically things Look good, but functionality is awful! Please consult with actual users before implementing these ridiculous changes.
2 votes -
ability to remove the home screen. It's an extra click to close out of it and it's annoying.
Why add an extra task to close a file? Whoever thought of this "brilliant" idea needs to actually work in this software in real life.. this is an annoying extra step.
2 votes -
Shrinking files
It's a shame, that Acrobat makes it such a harmfully experience to lower the filesize of a pdf (coming from photoshop Artboard to PDF Export), that actually does nothing!
Filesize goes from 18 MB to 17,5 MB or something (if it even works without errors you can't debug because you can't do something about it).
In the end I have to buy and use third party tools like pdf squeezer (for mac).
One click, and it shrinks the 18 MB to 600 KB! Without lowering the quality!!Adobe please work on your UI for Acrobat Pro.
Or even better: Work…1 voteSince the issue has been resolved, closing this thread here.
non FRL Acrobat DC is pulling an FRL Acrobat license (even though FRL was uninstalled)
Does anyone know how to fix this? I uninstalled all Acrobat, ran CC cleaner tool and Acrobat cleaner tool. Re-installed the non-FRL Acrobat, but it still reads the FRL Acrobat license (which was a test license and has expired). Real users no longer have any Acrobat available for production work.
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?