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Acrobat for Windows and Mac



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  1. Hello,
    many modern and productivity mouse have dedicated back/forward buttons. Could you please add support for mapping those buttons to previous/next view in adobe acrobat that would be very helpful for increasing productivity when navigating documents. Thanks.

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  2. When converting, printing, or saving a document to PDF, Adobe Acrobat creates "white margins" on each conversion. To remove the extra margins you have to follow these steps for every document:

    1. Open PDF in Acrobat
    2. Select More Tools
    3. Select Print Production
    4. Select Set Page Boxes
    5. Check Remove White Margins

    This will remove the white margins created by Adobe and use the margins of the original document. I'm told from Adobe Support there isn't a way to permanently set a user preference to prevent adding white margins. Please enable this function as it is currently a pain to have to change…

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  3. When running an Action Wizard that saves/exports a group of PDF files as (single) TIFF files, the very first file will have a ".tiff" extension and the rest will be ".tif". This ONLY happens the very first time you run the Wizard. Subsequent runs yields all files with a ".tif" extension. This is repeatable 100% of the time. Again, this applies when exporting the entire PDF file to a single TIFF file, not the feature that exports all images to multiple TIFF files.

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  4. Link generator for Adobe sign, so you can embed the link in an invoice for example as opposed to having to email the document each time.

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  5. You really should offer a new "feature" - alternatives to Intesi Group. (As far as I know Intesi Group is your and our only option.)

    At first I was very happy to learn that Adobe Sign was included in my existing Adobe subscription and that I should by able to send documents for signing with digital id (BankID in my case). As far as I have manage to figure out, I need to get a subscription with Intesi Group to be able to send documents to clients for them to sign with their digitla signature/BankID.

    However, the subsciption price is…

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  6. Adobe Acrobat 2015 screen Hangs when Saving Outlook 2016 email as PDF when a large BCC list with DL's and Names is present.

    Issues is on Windows 10 it works fine with Windows 7.

    All other saving PDF working fine on outlook emails its only with sent mail with large list of BCC Adobe acrobat window hangs.

    Not sure if this relates to

    Want to be able to save sent email with large BCC list as PDF like Windows 7.

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  7. Highlighting while Automatic Scrolling is On, and be able to switch between highlighting colors.
    There are a lot of us who study from eBooks and other digital files in this time of this century.
    Please, make this option available for us, so we will be able to highlight important words or sentences while we study.

    As mentioned and requested from others, the speed of Automatic Scrolling is very fast, which forces me to switch to the tablet and other applications.

    Thank you

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  8. Cannot find how to remove the @ symbol in the comments box. Do NOT want to "post" comment and is annoying when having to copy / paste info from the comments.

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  9. This system should not be so difficult to operate.

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  10. When using text select to highlight, multiple lines are being highlighted rather than just the line of text. See SnipPDF.png to see what is occurring. I've tried two different methods of saving the file. Print to PDF and Save as PDF. Save as PDF is working fine, Print to PDF is not letting us select anything.Is this really the only workaround for this, is to open and select print and save again? Our users are having to save some files twice, just to be able to select text. These are files they have created, some they have downloaded, some OCR,…

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  11. I am using Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 2019.021.20061
    When I open a PDF and double-click with my middle mouse button (the scroll wheel), a mini page thumbnail window is opened, similar too the Pan & Zoom window, but slightly different. For a picture of what I mean with the mini page thumbnail see this post:

    Note that this is not regarding the Page Thumbnail sidebar nor the "Pan & Zoom" window. There is no menu option to make this mini page thumbnail appear, the only way is to double-click the middle mouse button.

    While that mini page thumbnail window…

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  12. Apparently the new interface does not allow you to select, and keep selected, text comments. ALso, you can no longer make window selections to select multiple text comments at one time. Also, you cannot keep text selected, or have the option to double click to edit text. This new interface has tripled the time it takes for me to comment on documents. Please give US the option of how we want to handle selections!

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  13. by clicking three dots (...), a drop-down menu appears which is the closest thing I can achieve to my beloved custom tools that always appeared in the interface, in the order that I selected, and sometimes adjusted. Once something has been done, instead of dropping down the tools, clicking the three dots seems to repeat the most recent action, resulting in unwanted zooming. If you've got the three dots program to repeat the last action, please add an option to stop it.

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  14. A quick access toolbar (see the one available in MS Word) is essential for me. Acrobat X/XI had something like it, in that my frequently used tools always would be in the same place. I did customize the tools in my Acrobat DC Pro, and arranged the order the way I like them- at least three times. Nonetheless, my customized tools don't appear at next use.

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  15. Pan tool is converting to the selection tool after I pan a sheet. I have pan selected; and am panning over images.

    Bump and agreed. The software juggling between pan and select is the most irritating feature I have ever experienced in all adobe products I have ever used. This shouldn't be considered a feature. Anyone who ever uses this has the knowledge to click the select tool before selecting stuff. When you have to browse through dozens of construction plans with comments and the whole bit that can amount to millions of dollars in liability if done wrong, and…

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  16. When I open a PDF and then double click on the page, all pages rotate 90Deg. Why that and how to stop it?

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    Thanks for reaching out to us for your concerns.
    1) Could you please let me know the current version # of Acrobat that you are working on ?
    2) Is this issue with every PDF that you are trying on or is it specific to some PDF file. Can you please share any sample PDF.
    3) Can you share a Screen Video of the issue so that we have a clear picture when issue gets reproduced.

    Ayush Jain

  17. It would be fabulous if one could search for text with highlighting applied in Adobe Standard. We had deposition transcripts in PDF format with highlighted designations (certain lines of text had highlighting applied) and were in need of counting the number of highlighted lines. The only solution was to manually count the lines. Having the ability to search for highlighted text would have been very useful. Thanks for reading. Happy Tuesday.

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  18. This is a simple task that should be possible.

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  19. ALL Signatures "SHOULD" have a TIME STAMP, as well as date

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  20. I've been using Adobe Acrobat X Pro in Windows 10 for 2 years now and this is the first time I have encountered this kind of bug/error.

    First problem was Acrobat crashed then I can't open it anymore so I re-installed the whole CS6 Design and Web Premium. Afterwards, that's where I saw the texts were highlighted in different colors. If I zoom in, the highlight disappear but when I zoom out, the highlight changes.

    Can someone help me?

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