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Acrobat for Windows and Mac

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Acrobat for Windows and Mac



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12306 results found

  1. Adobe changed the existing 'Delete' function to 'Hide' function. I just ran into this as I was trying to delete a draft. Speaking to a adobe rep. you have to hide the document now, which still deletes the version if it was a draft. Hiding means you should still be able to retrieve the document you hid away, which is not how this works. Please bring back the delete button as that makes it easier to understand that you are actually deleting a document you no longer need. Hide is misinterpreted as "I am still able to unhide in case…

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  2. When creating a PDF file and using Microsoft Sans Serif font at size 11, either from acrobat or word, Acrobat displays the uppercase M characters thicker than any others.

    Interestingly, this only appears to happen when viewing the document at 100% zoom. 2 other PDF viewers don't have this issue, so I'm suspecting it has something to do in the manner Acrobat renders the font.

    to the recipients of our files, it appears we are intentionally bolding the uppercase M's. I've raised this with Adobe support and they suggested adding this here as a bug report.

    I've attached a file…

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  3. How easy would it be for you to have "time stamp" as well as date on send for signature

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  4. Add an ability to group/ungroup objects so they can be selected and manipulated together.

    Add an ability to lock/unlock objects and groups so they won't be selected until you command "Unlock all".

    Same as in most vector drawing programs since 1990x!!

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  5. All PDF Printing is Printing Horizontal in Landscape Format. This does not happen when I print a Word file. Only when I print from PDF

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  6. Request a Select Text option in Find textbox when press Ctrl+F key.

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  7. I am using Acrobat Pro 2017 (NOT DC). I would like to search for a word (in a single document) and be able to highlight every instance of my search term at once. I have tried using redaction feature and changing to highlight as a workaround, but it makes the print of my searched word lighter, so no good. Thanks.

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  8. I would like to be able to perform a search in a single (large) document and then extract the pages where my search term appears into a new document.

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  9. Add folders in the Action Wizard (Action List) to store action in groups

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  10. I hate that it's so complicated to just send the **** document to your email when your done editing it. big friggin deal. allow the documents to go to any email not just your chosen few

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  11. This is a ****** update. I cannot find how to add Pages. Used to be under Tools. Now where is it

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  12. Acrobat DC is extremely slow to do everything like navigating through tools and opening PDFs. Acrobat X is 100 times faster than Acrobat DC. Please fix no one can use Acrobat DC to edit lots of PDFs at this speed. If I click something like "Edit PDF" it should immediately switch like Acrobat X does, there is a second delay on everything. I have a very fast i9 PC Windows 10.

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  13. Steps to reproduce the issue: Open Acrobat and move window from one screen to another.
    Environment (OS, other related application versions, etc.) Mac OS 10.14.1, 2018 MacBook Pro
    Expected result: Should not crash
    Observed result: Crashes consistently

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    Please update you acrobat to the latest version on Mac and try to reproduce the scenario.

    Let us know if you still face this issue.

  14. When OCRing a document and you move to another program to allow the OCR to continue, the cursor is still the watch. This makes working in other programs difficult. The watch should only take over the cursor when you are actually in Adobe.

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    Resolved  ·  1 comment  ·  Scanning and OCR  ·  Admin →
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  15. Clicked to fill and send for signatures, added email address, it then tells me I need to sign in or upgrade to use this feature despite it saying under Help that I am still signed it. Click sign in to sign in again and nothing happens. No pop up windows, no movement, computer is not frozen, everything else is working. If i wanted to do something else in Adobe DC I could. I'm already a subscriber. Why is this not working?

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    Under review  ·  1 comment  ·  Fill & Sign  ·  Admin →
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  16. Please take out the creative cloud link in the bottom right window. Every time I try to resize a window from the bottom right or roll over to the scroll bar it clicks the link. I do know what my plan is and do not need to link to it every time I use acrobat. Thank you.

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  17. In the Tags pane, add a context menu item under New Tag titled Add Multiple tags. The dialog box would allow the user to select the type of tag to add and another input for the number of tags to add.

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  18. Every time I open a PDF the Acrobat window moves and resized. I have "restore last setting" unchecked. Very annoying when I'm editing other files from PDF markup and have to keep moving and resizing the Acrobat window, even if other pdf files are open in tabs and view has been set.

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  19. A free-hand pen tool would be in Adobe's best interest. This tool would allow users to mark a PDF with a digital pen of sorts.

    Other document editors that are inferior in many other ways have been winning out with both myself and many other consumers because of the free-hand drawing & annotating capablities.

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  20. I am interested in being able to create a widget for fillable forms so that I may be able to embed the form on my website.

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