12188 results found
request to add persian (farsi) language into the OCR capability of adobe DC
it would be so nice and desirable to have persian (farsi) language in the OCR capability of adobe DC
32 votes -
Erase in Paint and Edit in Adobe
In an earlier version of DC I could erase the wrong information in paint, save and close that page. Go back to the original document open a text box and enter the correct information. I try this with this new version and everything messes up. I was in a chat with one of your techs yesterday for almost 3 hours trying to do what I need to do in the 2020 version of Adobe DC. And it looks horrible, takes a lot of time and I hate it. Please Please Please fix this. I have been looking at peoples complaints…
1 vote -
Print Section Skips First Section
Our PDF is organized by bookmarks. We can select each bookmark section to print, however this does not work on the first bookmark section. Additionally, if multiple bookmarks are selected to print (print sections...), it ignores the first section.
1 vote -
It would be great if the first signatory could forward the document to witnesses to sign off as well.
The sender doesn't know who will sign as witnesses to the signer's signature, hence they can't be added as recipients. It would be great if the recipient could, in turn, send the document off for one to town witnesses to sign, a requirement for many legal documents.
2 votes -
Convert to Adobe PDF Context Menu
When right clicking on a file from a windows explorer window, a contextual option appears to 'Cover to Adobe PDF'.
Currently it prompts the user to select a directory - usually the previous directory it was exported to, however this is never helpful as locations change often.It would be good if you could set this process to default the output directory to be where the file currently resides.
2 votes -
Spell check
Given that this product will cost about $624 a year after I graduate, I feel the need to add a voice to some critical thoughts of how this will help me grow my business. One way will be to maybe incorporate some means of grammatical and spelling checker to the software. It has become increasingly hard to find programs that work together. Even though copying and pasting from separate programs, we run into the problems of something not being appropriately transferred or some punctuation not recognized. If I may make a recommendation, Grammarly, or Microsft word integration into the program…
2 votes -
Audit report for each document
Audit report
Request - to have the audit report download with each individual document that is signed by the client.
If I send a client an envelope to sign 5 documents, then we only gain one audit report. If 2 of these documents need to go to a thrid party they will not accept them as the audit report and the document signed are downloaded in separate files, they sometimes require the document signed to have the audit report enclosed in the signed file.
This causes an issue for our clients as the work around is to send them 5…
20 votes -
If I select 'Enable scrolling' in Acrobat, why not remember that between runs?
It's a bit repetitious to have to re-select View->Page display->Enable scrolling every time I open a file.
2 votes -
"Incorrect Structure Exists"
If Adobe can't compare files because an "incorrect structure exists", can the error box give more information or navigate to where in the document Adobe was having an issue. The files I am comparing are very large and I have no idea what structure is incorrect or even which version of the document it is in.
1 vote -
Insert text comment
Can you please include the Insert Text Comment feature in the shared review? This feature is available in Acrobat Reader and in the not-shared COMMENT review toolbar. As a basic comment tool, I am quite surprised (and very frustrated) that this is not available for collaborative commenting.
Specifically referring to "Insert Text" as described here: https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/using/mark-text-edits.html#insert_text
5 votes -
I cannot save with another name/location or reduce a file size since the last update
I cannot save with another name/location or reduce a file size since the last update
1 vote -
1 vote
I've run OCR three times and document is still not searchable for a specific word
I cannot seem to get OCR to run on an existing PDF. I need to be able to search for specific words in this document. I know the words are in there but the search feature turns up nothing. I cannot find a help topic on this or how to do it. I've tried clicking "Scan OCR" and "Recognize text" but neither are making the doc searchable.
1 vote -
Unable to save PDF
Adobe Acrobat updated overnight.
Now while trying to save individual sections of a textbook (I organize and then extract the selected pages) the "Save As PDF" pop-up window is just blank.
Adobe does not freeze... I can cancel out of the pop-up window and still read my extracted pages. However I am not able to move past the blank "Save As PDF" window so I can't save individual chapters :(
4 votes -
Adobe Sign - We can't make a second signatory date field required unless it's a text field.
When entering two signatories - The first signatory with a signature line, print line, title line and date line, they are automatically required by a red *. When there is a second signatory, the fields are all required except for the date. This should also be able to be mandatory. If you change this to a text box then you can make it mandatory. You should be able to format it like the date and make it mandatory like the first one.
1 vote -
New License/User Automatic Welcome Emails
Currently during the Add Licenses process, when supplying an email address to assign the license to, a Welcome email is not sent to this newly created user.
Please add this functionality to the process.Currently in order to generate the Welcome emails to the user I must un-assign the license, save the account, then re-assign the license which then triggers the Welcome email.
1 vote -
Document Closed Suddenly Flag
Keep getting notified when I close a document after saving it and open a new one that the previous document was closed suddenly, would you like to reopen? If I close it myself, why would I need to be reminded that it closed?
1 vote -
Allow input of special characters in comments and option to display them
Allow special characters in comments such as zero width non-joiner, non-breaking space, non-breaking hyphen, forced line-breaks (not paragraph breaks), etc. and provide an option to display them like InDesign’s “Display Hidden Characters”.
It is an indispensable feature for workflows where copy editors and typesetters use PDF comments to correct texts that will then be imported into InDesign for review.
Furthermore, comment text fields should allow invoking macOS Emoji & Symbols palette (see https://support.apple.com/guide/mac-help/mchlp1560/mac) to easier input.
2 votes -
Adobe Pro DC
I am a writer. I use Adobe Pro DC so I can convert files from screenwriting software to a PDF file to email, etc the script. It takes time to write a script. Anywhere from a couple of months to a year, so the $14 a month I pay for the subscription is expensive. It's already expensive, but it's even more so for software I'm not using. I write MAYBE six scripts a year. If Adobe wants to charge me, fine, but maybe have it on a month to month basis, or make it cheaper where I can purchase the…
1 vote -
White font that I can't change
While using Fill and Sign the text is showing up white. I can't figure out how to change it back to black.
1 voteHi,
Please use the color picker and set it to black. This will ensure that the text font is in black color.
Let me know in case of any issues.
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